Chapter 1: The new guy

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Ireland! Ireland! Ireland! I hear someone yelling my name but I don't bother to get up. To afraid that it might be one of my bullies.

I know you might be thinking, why would any of her bullies be in her house, but you would be suprised. How much I've been through.

Once when I used to live in England my bullies broke into my house all threatening me. while my mum was at work. They were all drunk and there were four of them, actually.

There names were Louis,Liam,Zayn, and another one named Niall that never hurt me yet, still was in the group. I ended up at the hospital due to them kicking me in the ribs and pushing me down the stairs. The worst part was that they kept lauphing.

My mum decided that we should move to California and she got a new job here as a lawyer. She was to afraid, to afraid that it would happen again. Anyways the bullying hasn't stopped it keeps getting worst.

They all are the same they make fun of my name, my clothes, what I look like. I seriously want it all to end. The only thing thats stopping me is my mum would be all alone and, my best friend and my only friend Eleanor.

Suddently, I get inturuppted in my thoughts by being pushed off my bed.

When I get up I noticed that it was just my mum.

"Ireland! why aren't you getting up. You were just staring at the ground. I'm sorry I pushed you off the bed but, just get ready for school." she says softly

"Sorry I was in deep thought I'll get ready write now."

She was about to leave the room when I stopped her. To ask her something.



"Are you gonna be working till midnight, again."

"Oh yeah, sweety I forgot to tell you but I won't see you tonight or tommorow. I have another business trip"

"Oh, okay"

*She leaves the room*

She's never home anymore. I understand, she's a lawyer, and some clients don't live around here but I miss her.

I jumped off my bed took a short shower, got dressed in some blue skinny jeans and a over sized t-shirt, put on my white converse, then brushed my teeth. brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail p.s. I don't wear make-up.

Suprisingly It was only 7:30 AM. It takes me about 15 minutes to walk to school. And school starts at 8:25. I had 20 extra minutes to spare before I started walking so I texted Eleanor my bff.

To Eleanor:): hey :) u at school yet.

From Eleanor:): No but I'll be there in about 20 minutes :)

To Eleanor:): Kay imma start walking then.

From Eleanor:): see ya there!

To Eleanor:): see ya!

I start walking to school getting ready for some really rude comments and to get punched but I didn't see any body.

Probably because I came from the other way around I thought. I started putting my books away and then head to front of the campus to wait for Eleanor.

I spot a huge crowd surrounding some new boy with dark brown curly hair and had emerald green eyes you could get lost in. He was tall and was really really really cute.

He caught me staring and smiled at me and waved. I was blushing like an idiot and smiled back. who is He?

Suddenly I get a text message but it wasn't from Eleanor.


I really hope you liked my first chapter :).

It's my first story so I hope you like it

If you do than please vote and add it to your library or reading list, maybe?

please comment and tell me if u liked it and I would love it if I had some advice for my next chapter?

Two of my best friends helped me a little and gave me there opinions :).

One of them has amazing stories you should read them @clowns

Also my other friend just got wattpad and doesn't have any stories yet but she's @OlgaSoria8

Also sorry if I have any spelling mistakes. like I said I'm new at writing stories. Pleeeeeeeeeeezzz give me some advice :) if you have any ?

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