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Zayn POV

"Goodnight London, you've been amazing" I scream into my microphone as the crowd goes wild

"we love you guys, thank you so much for coming" Liam screams to the crowd

We all walk backstage to our dressing room to get changed out of our sweaty clothes

The boys and myself are dragged out of our dressing room and we jump straight into our van and drive off

"WOW that was so much fun" Niall comments

"I never get sick of going on stage, I get such a buzz" Harry pipes in

"Hey Zayn where is Natahliah gone I thought she was back stage" Liam questioned

"She got really tired and headed back to the house"

I stared out the window as we drove down the busy highway, the boys and I have a holiday house that we stay in together and this time I wanted to bring Natahliah because she really wants to be a hairstylist and Lou Teasdale is her biggest idol and I thought it would be a cool experience for her to come on tour with us and help Lou with hair.

We come to a stop on the highway and I look forward to see that there has been a car accident

I pick up my phone and text Natahliah to see if she got home safely

I wait fifteen minutes but there is no reply, so I decide to call her

But it goes straight to voice mail and I frown at the screen

She must be asleep I think to my self

We have been waiting in traffic for a while now

The police finally start to let the traffic through slowly

"I wonder what happened" louis questioned

"I hope whoever it happened to is going to be alright" Niall added

"Yeah I hope so"

I don't know why but I start to worry that Natahliah was involved in the accident

We finally start to move forward slowly as we approach the crash sight I see a truck and two cars

As we get closer I see a familiar black BMW and I freeze

The boys notice the car as well and they immediately stop speaking

"Stop the car" I demand

"Zayn I can't pull over on the high way"

"Pull over now" I shout

The driver flinched at the loudness of my voice and pulls over

I shove the door open and frantically jump out out of the van the boys are close behind me

I run over to the crash sight but a police officer stops me

"Sir you cannot be here" he pushes me back

"No that's my girlfriends car" I shout

The police officer looks at me with sorrow in his eyes

"Please let me see her is she okay? What happened? Is she alive?" I frantically ask the police officer

"There were two young ladies involved one had a child and there was a young girl named Natahliah Thompson" he informed

My heart breaks at the sound of her name and I feel hot tears run down my face

"Natahliah she is my girlfriend were is she take me to her" I shout

"The young girl has been rushed to the royal hospital, she was taken about 10 minutes ago" the police informed me

I run back to the van with the boys following behind

"Go to the royal hospital, Natahliah is there" I shout at the driver and he quickly takes off down the high way

I begin to sob as we speed down the highway and I feel Liam put a comforting hand on my shoulder

"She is going to be okay mate, just take a deep breath you need to be strong for her" Liam soothes me

But I can't breath and the tears just won't stop

"What if she doesn't make it what if I lose her I would never be able to go on whithout her, I can't lose her Liam"

My body racks with sobs and I feel five pairs of arms wrap around me

When I feel the van stop I look up to see we are at the hospital and I pull the door open, not wasting anytime to jump put and rush to the hospital entrance.

I reach the receptionist, she looks startled by me

"Natahliah Thompson, she was in a car accident" I ask frantically

"She is in surgery at the moment but I will inform the doctor that people have just arrived for her, what's your relation to her?"

"I'm her boyfriend" I say

The nurse who's name is Samantha looks at me with sympathy in her eyes

When she gets up to inform the doctor I go straight to the waiting room and sit down the boys join me but we all stay silent

"She's gonna be okay Zayn" Harry tries to comfort me

"How do you know, she's in surgery right now what if...." I'm bot able to finish my sentence as tears start to fall down my face again

I bury my face in my hands hating how I don't know whether she is okay or not

"She is a strong girl Zayn, she is fighter and she is gonna get through this as long as she has you by her side, and you should know this more than any of us she will make it" Harry says to me

I know she is a fighter and I know she is strong but what if she dosen't want to fight anymore after all she has been through I wouldn't blame her if she just gave up

I shake the thought out of my mind of course she wouldn't give up now after all she has achieved, after all the fighting she did she is finally free and happy

She can't give up not now...............


Omg this is the first chapter I hope you guys really like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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