The Golden Thread

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That stormy night, everybody was in a rush, getting ready for the future king to be born. It was a very unfortunate night  for the king, and the kingdom, because something so unfortunate was about to go its way.

They were in battle at the edge of the river over at the east side of his kingdom, of Olarian where they were told that there was a humongous monster of some sort killing the townsfolk. It turned out that this monster was no monster at all (because at this quaint little town there were no such real beings as monsters and fairies and these sorts were only found in tales told by the old maidens to the children to keep them away from harm) for it was a evil man seeking revenge against his wife that was killed a month ago. This crazy man hid behind a tree, placed fire at his feet, and cast a shadow, and this making himself appear bigger. He then made weird noises to lure the people to be curious with what was happening, then he would shoot them with his mighty arrow (this man was a great archer) and killing their lives. The king and his men did not of course believe that the monster was true, but out of curiosity the king decided to venture there himself to see the problem, If he had known that at that specific night his beloved wife will give birth then he would have not went to this ridiculous quest.

At last the men successfully arrested this peculiar man and placed him in a wagon with bars just like in a prison cell he was to be sent straight to the prison right beside the palace of Olarian. As the triumphant men strode back to the palace in happiness, the horse of the king who was hurt at the leg from a old accident, suddenly tripped then fell, causing the king to topple over and fall to the ground. And unluckily, this incident happened when they were passing over the cliff towards the palace grounds (but they were not quite near by then, actually they were quite far). The king fell on the ground and rolled over falling to the cliff and he rolled and rolled unto the darkness to the bottom of the cliff. This happened all to fast for the men behind him to be able to stop him from falling. Of course they wanted to save him but at this time they were quite busy singing joyfully to each other as they always do when they won battles. The king was never found, but perhaps he survived?

After loosing their king, the men  did not sing joyful songs, instead they walked home and an empty horse leading them to the palace. They did not know about the news that was soon to greet them when they arrived at the palace.

 Meanwhile, Queen Alisandria and her maidens were busy pushing and breathing in and out. As they helped the baby be brought to the world. They too, did not know about the news that was about to greet them as the men returned from the fight.

Queen Alisandria was going to give birth for the first time (and most probably the last) so she was so nervous,  so were the maidens around her. Her stomach was very big and she could not actually wait to get rid of all the weight. It was starting to weigh her down the last few months. She could not even see her legs anymore. And even  Queen Alessandria, a tall and big  woman, could not carry the weight of what they thought was a very big child. She could not walk from place to place and was carried around in her chair with wheels. No wonder everybody was anxious for the child to come out, to end the suffering of not only the Queen but also their hardships of carrying her around.

As they Queen gave a cry that sounded more of a shout they got ready to catch the baby. The queen at this time was already unconscious, they were in for more surprises that night.

 Instead of one head, they saw two heads, twins! And they say when there are twins this will bring luck to the family, and the kingdom as well. First came out a healthy boy with the same facial features of his beautiful mother only in a manly way, his hair the color of coal just like his father's.Then the boy shouted his first cry.

Next came the most beautiful baby girl the old midwife has ever seen, with hair the same gold hair and slim and tall ( they presumed) figure of the mother. And she did cry, but not as loud as her brother did, for this girl already sounded like a refined young lady that she might become. Everybody then nursed the babies and wiped the blood away.

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