Chapter one

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"I never had the privilege of meeting Maya Hart, but I know my brother loved her" Riley starts.

"If you don't mind I would like to tell you a few stories about Miss. Hart's life today." She says before pausing. She was expecting a response from someone. She didn't get one. "I want to start with the story on how my brother met her. It's a pretty great one" She says.

Lucas and Riley, the new kids in school. They transferred here in the beginning of the year because of there dads job promotion as a history teacher in Abigail Adams High School. Riley made a great group of friends right away. Lucas however wasn't so lucky. It was there second week of school and he still had nobody.

Lucas was walking in the lunch room, texting some of his old friends from Texas when he bumped into a short blonde girl, flipping back her lunch tray right onto her.

"You jackass" Maya says quite loudly.

"Sorry... It was a accident" Lucas says quietly.

"Whatever" Maya says looking down at her outfit that was now ruined.

"My sister has some spare clothes in her locker. You can change into those if you want" He offers.

"It's fine" She says.

"It's not. Come with me" He says and starts walking out of the cafeteria.

She rolls her eyes. She didn't want to go with him but she did anyway. She catches up to him and starts walking next to him.

"So what's your name?" Lucas asks.

"Not telling you. We are just going to get some clothes and then go our separate ways" She says.

"Well I am Lucas. I just moved here from Texas." He says.

"That's cool" She says, not interested.

"I'm in twelfth grade" He says.

"I'm in eleventh" She says.

"Maybe you know my sister. Her name is Riley" He says.

"Oh you mean the annoying brunette in my history class. Yeah I don't know her" She says.

"Well that's not to nice to say especially to me considering I'm her brother" He says.

"While we are the topic of your sister and not nice things. She is also a kiss ass to the teacher" She says.

"The teacher is our father" He says.

"Well she is a kiss ass to your father" She says. "This is taking forever. I don't want to talk to you and we are walking in circles. Where is your sisters locker?" She asks.

"I don't know where I'm going. It's locker 1248" He says.

"It's right around this corner" She says and leads the way to the locker. They get there and he opens it taking a tee shirt and sweatpants out of it. "Wow pajamas. Thanks" Maya says.

"They aren't pajamas." He says.

"Well this is what I wear to bed so thanks for donating a new pair of pajamas to me" She says.

"I said you can borrow them" Lucas says.

"Borrow, keep. Same thing" Maya says.

"Just go change" Lucas says.

Maya turns around and heads for the girls bathroom.

"Alright. Thanks for the clothes. I'll see you around" Maya says before heading into the bathroom.

Who Was Maya Hart? {Lucaya} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now