Chapter 34

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Harper's POV
It's been two days since Jack left. I have a feeling he is at Avery's. I think they made up, which is great because now she can come back. Like usual we were all sat on the couches and we put on a movie. We were talking to each other and not really paying attention to the movie. Someone came in the house and it was Jack. Behind him was someone. It was Avery! The girls and I screamed and tackled her into a hug. We all fell on the floor and we burst out into fits of laughter. "We missed you so much!" Allie screamed.
"I missed you guys too. But can you get off me please?"
We all got off the floor and sat in a circle on the floor and started catching up. "Is this what girls do at sleepovers?" Zach whispered to the guys and they laughed.
"I heard that Herron." I said in a stern voice but everyone knew I was joking.

We talked for a bit more, still sat in the circle but the boys joined in. "So Jack and I have something to tell you." Avery said, "we're dating!" The girls and I looked at her with wide eyes and screamed, I mean loud like really loud. "Scream louder I don't think China heard you." Jonah said to us.
"No I didn't mean it!"
But we didn't listen and screamed louder. "Ok. Jack treat Avery right because if you don't I swear to god," we laughed at Allies protectiveness over Avery. "Anyway be nice. Respect her. Don't do anything stupid. Treat her better than other guys did because she deserves a gentleman,"
"Are you just quoting Shawn and treat you better?" I asked her.
"Um I um it doesn't matter," "now back to the point again. Do what I said and don't mess it up Avery."
"How are you so scary?! You seem really sweet and innocent but when it comes to me you're not sweet at all!" Jack shouted.

The rest of the night was filled with laughing and talking over the films that were on. I really love my friends and their weird ways I couldn't ask for anything more.

H.I.S~Daniel Seavey (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now