Uh huh.

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I only own terri and her family. All of the other characters aren't mine.


I don't feel like introducing my self later so I'll do it now. I'm Terri Knowlton. I live with my family in Mechanicsburg PA. I'm sarcastic, smart, a secret comic loving geek, horse lover, older sister, stubborn, independent, day dreamer. I'm also 11 almost 12 year old but honestly, who cares. Now, onto my appearance. I'm 5'4", have dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, hour glass figure, and a farmers tan. Wow. that was even more boring than I first thought it would be. If you can't already tell, I talk to my self a lot and occasionally speak out loud while doing so.


Terri's POV

I'M so bored. There is nothing to do. When did summer vacation become so boring. ( ruff bark). I guess some ones at the the door. I really dang want to move.

"Terri, answer the door!"

This is torture. 'Thump'

I really need to get better at rolling of the couch. It hurts to roll into the coffee table. Slowly, like 30 seconds later, I get all my energy together and...

I stand up. Ugh, what happened to vacation. I almost have a full body indent on the couch. Reluctantly, I drag my feet to the door. just to be clear, I'm wearing cowboy boots, have my hair unbrushed, am wearing jean short shorts, have a tank top on and I'm listening to music. Now, back to the story. I open the door, half asleep, look up then I close the door. I turn in a complete circle, then open the door, take a picture with my iPod then close the door. What just happened. Still in a state of shock. I walk into the family room and take out my iPod. Apparently I wasn't hallucinating. The picture matched the real image on my front porch step. The avengers were at my house.


After 5 minutes of standing still in shock.


What was that? I ninja walk to the back of my house.


I never thought I would see the day that Thor broke my back door with mjnoir.

"LADY TERRI, CAN WE STAY THE NIGHT AT YOUR HOUSE?!?!" Wow, Thor really doesn't have an indoor voice.

"Um, let me go get my mom."

With that, is lowly back away before bolting up the stairs. I stop at the landing. Should I get my mom or call the cops? mom or cops? mom or cops...


Before I hit my moms room I go to my room and grab my sword.

"Mom, were you expecting some one?"

"No. why?"

"The avengers are standing in our family room."

"Honey, the avengers aren't real."

"Tell that to the people standing in our living room. "

"Okay, let's go."


"Wait? why do you have you sword. I these people really are the avengers, a toy sword won't do any thing. "

"#1 I keep this sword in my desk in case of emergencies. #2 i never said it was fake."


" I had I coated with titanium two year ago, but we should really get down stairs. "

With that I race out of the room. When I reach the family room, everyone but Thor and Loki are siting. Was loki always there?

Why does he wear that helmet? why do they have horns on them. Why do wild animals have horns? what are their purposes? why are there so many types of horns? what ca"TERRI" I come back to reality so smoothly. I scream, then slap the person, and after a few seconds, they are pinned to the ground by your truly with my knee pushing onto their lower back and my hands hold their wrist in between their shoulder blades and my other hand pushes their face into the carpet. Whoops.

I look down to see that I had Clint Barton pinned down. Since when could I do that? Nearly jumping off of him I apologize over and over again.

" It's fine, but where did you learn to do that?"

"I don't know. I've never done I before."

That when the one and only tony stark interjects.

"Since you obviously weren't paying attention. Your mom said we could stay here for a few days while we figure out what happened to bring us here. Your in charge of us." I wanted to hit him with a frying pan so bad. out of no where Loki burst out laughing. "What so funny Dracula?!?" I call out

"I haven't heard that before." comments Steve.

"You broadcast you thought loudly lady terri." Loki responds. So he heard the frying pan part.

" I said I wanted to hit tony with I frying pan in places in not allowed to say." I clarify. Tony visibly pale. *insert evil laugh*

"Let's figure out some sleeping arrangements before we deal with any thing else. "

"I'll sleep with you"

"Don't forget we are in the kitchen tony"


"That what I thought. Widow can sleep in my room, Barton, Steve and Bruce can sleep in Ryan's room(my brothers and dad are gone until August 23rd)tony and loki can sleep in dans room. Thor, you can sleep on an air mattress in the dining room."

Everyone nodded but tony who just looked offended but a quick death glare got him so cooperate.

"As for clothes, guys can wear my dad's stuff for now and Natasha can wear my stuff or my moms depending on what fit best. You will all have a job. Steve, Thor clean. Loki does the dishes. Barton takes care of the dogs.tony waters the lawn and Mows. Bruce makes sure tony does his job. Natasha will supervise the boys and help me cook. " Every one looked at me weird before agreeing. by then it was 10:30 so I got the beds set up then went to bed. What have I gotten my self into?


if you have any suggestions please comment. I'll try to update. If you want you character in the story simply comment your



Physical traits


And the person you want to be (ex. Terri's BFF)

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