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Oneday, weather was very very cold , it was rainning & snowing , it was dark enough to prevent anyone from seeing anything , A man was running quickly . He was carrying something covered with red blanket , then he stopped from running quickly he took his breath , he was next to the door of the orpheanhouse . He looked at the red blanket then he nocked the door & he put the red blanket in front of the orpheanhouse & he ran quickly faster than the thunder . It was too late it was about 1:30 am & every one was sleeping at this time , but when the man nocked the door the door had opened quick it was a young child called "Clark" , he was about 6 years , he saw the man running quickly & he see his face , then he wondered , but when he tried to close the door he heared voice baby crying , He looked under him he saw red blanket , He opened it he saw a young pretty girl her face was whiter than milk cause it was snowing , she had a straight brown hair , blue eyes & around her neck necklace but it was very expensive to buy , he smiled when he see her . He ran qucikly to his friend " John" he said with quite voice " John get up quick look who I found " . John answered with lazy sleepy voice " What you had found another food ????
Clark laughed at him then he said " No I found pretty little girl" . Master of the orpheanhouse heared them he said " Mmm , Really you found girl , where is she ???? , Clark answered " Yes sir she was in front of the door she was very cold Could you get her here please sir!???......
Master smiled " of course dear"
Master loved children very cause he didin't have son or daughter so he love them , and they love him....... The servants carried the baby into the orpheanhouse , There weren't any girl in the orpheanhouse excpet the baby that clark found , Clark & John were very happy , Clark named her" filliz ", They took care of her . Day after a day , Year after a year & filliz became older , Filliz , Clark, John where good friends , they have fun at every time with each other . But clark & filliz they decided that when they are going to be old they were married , Every day Clark & John took money from the master then they went outside the orpheanhouse to buy apresent for filliz to be happy but one day clark gave a filliz gift it was doll he said to her " if we broke up one day this doll is going to let you remember me , where ever I go " she smiled to him & she huged him & she tell him with her pretty voice " Clark my L♥VE I am here with U i will never leave or leave john or leave orpheanhouse iam sure " . Then she took of her necklace & put it on Clark neck . & she said "if u really L♥VE me don't take of this neclace clark " he was very wondered bec. This is the expensive neclace that she wearing in her neck when she was baby, he promised her , John heared that so he get gealous of clark cause he L♥VE filliz too , So Every day John & Clark fighting with each other, But Filliz was always the reason to let both of them for give each other . Then they play all again . & at night when filliz can't sleep clark & john told her stories about princess then she sleep like an angel . Next day she heared mosque sound , she asked clark & john " what is that ???" They answered her & told her about islam . SO she said "yes , you know something about islam but we must know more it isn't enough " .They came to the master he told him how to pray & every day he teach them to read quran & he teached them many languages " French , greek" .... Life is good everything is good . Every day when they get up they all pray , then they went to the master to teach them , then they ate breakfast then they play with each other, they ate lunch , then they went to a place after they take the permission from the master . Every day they went to strange places but it was amazing, Oneday they went to the garden or sea or park they went to another different places , Until this time life is very very G♥♥D. Then one day when filliz was 11 years something very sadly happened to filliz & Clark &John , What do u think , what will happened , we will know In chapter (2)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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