I used a fan fic generator and this is what happened.

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Castiel stopped and gazed into space.
Oh no.
It was happening; He couldn't help thinking about Dean Winchester again. He tried not too. Desperate to avoid the thoughts that could not be, no, - would not be- held back.
But like dozens of unstoppable loyal followerss they came creeping forward  till they filled His brain;

Dean Winchesters smile shined like diamonds, as impressive as a mansion, it filled the apartment and Castiel was helplessly but willingly absorbed into them.

Dean Winchesters eyes were like baseballs.If you rolled them they would go quite far.
(Almost as lovely as mine. lol!/AN)
Dean Winchesters legs were like a radio tower. Straight and tight.
(Mine are best though. Lol!/AN)
Dean Winchesters chest was like a Generals. Powerful and impossible to ignore.
(For the purposes of this story, I am going to pretend that Dean Winchesters arnt as good as mine/AN)

How could Castiel not be helpless in the face of that?He wanted to hug Dean Winchester so much, and maybe, just maybe kiss Him one dayon the cheek.

Castiel snapped out of it. But the thoughts of Dean Winchester would be back. Would He be able to resist next time?
They thought the story was over... but was it...? No.
Here are the next cool unforgettable adventures!!

Castiel was finding it really hard to concentrate at this movement his thoughts kept trying to think of Dean Winchester. Despite what was happening, it was hard to focus!

Once upon a time, after my great adventures, I was wondering what to do that week. I had picked up my life from where I left it and wanted to make something from it.He wanted to make my father proud. Then all the sudden a strange woman appeared on my doorstep. She was hiden beneath a long cloak and had long brown nails on her fingers. Her dirty hair fluished down from beneath the cloak and she had glowing eyes! I thought I remembered seeing her in my dreams the past couple of weeks, almost as if it was a premonition
"You are not who you think you are!" said the strange woman.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"You are not who you think you are," she said again with a mysterious crackling voice like a bad radio transmission.
"I still don't understand you?" I said.
"Here, take this," she said and gave I an Buddy Christ.
"Take this and give it to your parents or guardian, they will know what to do with it!"
And with that she disappeared before my eyes!

I was confused but thought that I had to do something. But rather than going to my parents or guardian, I decided to show it to Castiel.
"Oh no," said Castiel, "you must forget about this!"
"Why?" I enquired,  "what do you know?!"
"I... I can't tell you. My dear Sam & Dean Winchester, I didn't think it would be this soon!"
"What?!" I yelled, "are you keeping things away from me?!"
"It's .... it's for your own good! You cannot know this!" said Castiel and before I could do anything, Castiel had escaped my grasp.
"No! Dammit! When will I ever know the truth?!"
I was feeling depressed. One of my best friends abandoned and betrayed me. It hurt.I cut myself to make the pain go away, but it only helped a bit. So I wanted to find Unstopable Dylan Winchester. After their adventure, I and Unstopable Dylan Winchester had been spending a lot of time together. I kind of started to like her.
So I went to Unstopable Dylan Winchester and told the whole story. She listened to me without saying a single word.
Then she said: "WTF, this is sooo big"
And I said: I know! Do you know a way to find out what is happening? Why is everyone hiding things from me?!"
Unstopable Dylan Winchester sighed and said: "You have always been special, I and not just to me."
"How do you know that?"
Unstopable Dylan Winchester looked at the knickers that I had received and said: "it kind of looks like the The Word of God, doesn't it?"
"could be...but it might not be...but, yeah,certainly it might be"
"Whatever it is, I can recognise it quite well. And I think," Unstopable Dylan Winchester said, "that perhaps the mysterious woman wanted you to find something inside of you.
"Inside? Like my heart?"
"No, don't be silly, like a mamory. Think about it, if your parents lied to you and now Castiel doesn't want to talk to you about your background, perhaps there is a hidden memory in your head!"
Unstopable Dylan Winchester's logic was flawless. So I had to try it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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