Chapter 1

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"Are you almost ready?" Yells Liza Koshy, your best friend and youtube star. You look in the mirror at the tight red dress she picked out for you. You try not to think about how it makes your thighs look big because of how tight it is. How your stomach sticks out a little but You take a deep breath and tell yourself its for me.You throw on the leather jacket that covers the insecurities and leave. "You are absolutely going to love him. David is so sweet and kind." Liza started to ramble on about how great David is. "Jesus, do you have a crush on the dude?" She blushed and looked down at her lap, "N-no!" You look over at her in surprise, "YOU DO!" You start to crack up and she hits you on the arm. "Whatever, its not like I have a crush on Gabbie." She teases you as you drive down the road to the party of David Dobrik, one of Liza's best friend other than you. "I do not. I am so glad she isn't going to be here. I look awful." Lisa looks you up and down, "Yeah, kind of." You grab your chest and pretend to be offened, "Rude! No but seriously, she isn't going to be there?" Liza shakes her head but smiles to herself. You look at her skeptically but slowly pull into the drive way of the house. "We're here." You say in sing-song voice. As soon as you get out you spot a tall dude ina black hat and outfit. Must be David, you think to yourself. You already watched a couple of videos of his but never meant him before. Liza was so excited for you to meet him and basically fangirled all the way there. "David!" She yells and waves her hand at him, gesturing to come and meet someone. When he turns, you see that he was talking to someone. A girl with fairly tanned skin, blonde hair, and brown eyes. She was wearing a jean jacket hanging from her shoulders and looked around to see who it was. Gabbie. Liza was almost dying from laughing at your face. "Y/N, this is David. David, this is Y/N." She introduced you and walked over to meet Gabbie. Still stunned that she was here, you manage to escape the rather long conversation with David and rush back to the car to calm down. "Liza is going to regret this, I swear." You mumble to yourself and walk to the car and grab your mini mirror. Your long dark hair fell over your shoulders and your red lipstick looked fine for the moment but you still saw everything wrong with your face. Even though Liza told you you looked beautiful when you left and again after you git into the car and again after she joked about about your appearance. Nevertheless, you just couldnt see it. You also grabbed the jacket you took off when you got to the car. "Y/N! Come on." Liza shouted once again and you walked over, careful not to fall because of your heels. "So Y/N, this is Gabbie, as you already know. Gabbie, this is Y/N, you also already know that." Liza nudged you when you looked stunned, "You know me already?" You had just assumed that Liza had been talking you up to Gabbie for the past ten minutes. "Yeah! Of course, I love your channel. The 'Wearing food as make-up for a day' is one of my favorites." You blush at that, thinking about hoe she saw you make a fool of yourself in public. "Oh thank you. I love your story times, they are so funny." She thanks you and begin talking. After a while, other people begin to show up and soon it is 1:00 A.M. Liza and David have disapeared and you and her seem to just talk for hours. Probably because you have. When you take notice of the time, you remember that you need to wake go early since your in and out if meetings for most of the day. "Oh shoot, I'm suppose to get up early." Gabbie looks sad for a minute but offers you a ride because you can't find Liza. "No, no. She is surely around here somewhere. Wish me luck navigating through the crowd." She laughs and you heart melts because its one if those laughs where she puts her hand up to her mouth and trys to hide it but you see it anyway. You wave at her and dive into the flood of people drunkenly climbing onto tables and making out. "Where is she?" You say to yourself as you finf your way to stairs so you can see the rest to the party. Heath was on the table belling dancing with Zane and Correna was making out with who you could only guess was Alex, based on the hair. You make your way up the stairs to see if Liza snuck off with David or something. "Hey, have you seen Liza?" You ask to a girl with red hair. She pointes to a door and runs downstairs laughing. "Probably high or drunk." You open up the door to find your best friend underneath a guy with a black hat on. "Oh my God!" You immeaditly leave the room but you have already been scarred for life. You run downstairs in a panic. Gabbie was still waiting outside, drinking and watching the stars. "Hey, do you think I could still take you up on that offer." She nods and pushes herself off the wall and heads up the hill to cars. Her jean jacket was still hanging onto her shoulders and her fake glasses were perched on the tip of her nose. "You coming or what?" She yells back you when she notices you were staring and just standing still as if you were paralysed. You get in the car and tell her where you were staying. "This is it." You point to an apartment building and she pulls in the parking lot. "Bye, Gabs." You start to get out but she grabs your arm. You freeze and think of all the things that could happen. "I never gave you me phone number." You let out a breath but then take in the words and process what they mean. Gabbie Hanna was giving YOU her phone number. "Call me anytime. We should make a video together some time soon." You nod and say, "Yeah, we should." You make your way up to the apartment building and sit down at the foot if your bed. You lay back and fall asleep with the thought of Gabbie Hanna surrounding your thoughts...

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