fanfic for twilight

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A/N so this will be a twilight fanfic except they will all be babies and they will date other people then they will find their mates.if this story is like a different story it was unintentional cause I don't read twilight fanfic.

Carlisle's POV: I went to wake the kids up for school when I walked over they were human children only 7 years old!!

I decided they wouldn't go to school until I got this problem sorted. "daddy" Alice said "I wanna go shopping!!" then she saw the closet that pretty much ended her request for shopping because she had enough clothes on her own to open a mall!!

The next day................................................

The next day I went up to their rooms and I saw they were all 14!! Oh no here comes the teenager problems..

Bella's POV:

So I was in my room then all of a sudden jasper comes in and he's all flusted and I ask him what do you want? I asked. will you go out with me? he asked. sure I would love to I said.

Alice's POV: Emmet came into MY room looking all flustered and I asked him,"what do you want?" "Will you go out with me?" he asked. "Course,why not"I said.

Rosalie's POV: So all the girls have boyfriends except me. I was waiting for Edward and then he finally came looking flustered ""he said. Then I interrupted him,"yes I will go out with you." He looked confused and he said "but I don't want to go out with you. I wanted to ask you about how you would feel if we were just friends." " Edward wow.I can't believe you said that to me."

So Rosalie lived forever alone well for, forever....

And Edward got together with Tanya..


bye my foodies did you like my story? I know I know it was awful but I had fun writing it!!


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