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I sometimes think of words and sentences,sometimes I keep them in my head,other times I hurtle them at others but most of the time I write them down,they spill from of my fingers and onto the page,they spill like water from a hose,only that the taps been twisted as far left as possible.sometimes it's hard to keep up with the words,they fill all my thoughts,they drive me insane,they twist and turn and scrape against my skull,they rip,naw and tear my mind,and then they grow and travel down my throat and through my lungs and into my heart scratching and tearing the whole way down. they reside and continue to feed on my self loathing and rage.The only way to get rid of the words is to let them spill from either my mouth or through my  writing.draining my body of them until they run dry.But they always come back a bigger tsunami then before.            

I let the words reside in my heart once for a very long time.I saw the things the words saw but my vision was blurred like looking through a foggy window.Once the window was splattered with blood.While the words were at their best,my ability to spill them was lost.I couldn't stop the words from killing me,I forgot myself as if the words weren't my own,I don't think the words were my own,they were infected and forced into my head like a long sharp shard of glass dripping in horrific poisoning words.

once in the haze I was trapped in.I heard a familiar voice,clear and sharp,it spoke to me,not to the words,and the window cleared and I saw what the words had done,I guess taking over my mind was not enough for the words action was needed.It was scary to know that I had actually thought and imagined the sight I saw,before the words took over,But I would never have ever actually done this.I let three words spill from my mouth before the window fogged up again.

Hello nice of you to read my thoughts,person I hope I've never met and who I hope I never meet.That would be way too awkward and embarrassing,you knowing all the ins and outs of my thoughts and secrets.

For example,imagine a complete stranger or one of your enemies etc coming up to you one day and yelling really loudly "I know that one time you sat in bird shit and had to lie that it was white chocolate,so you scraped it off your ass and put it in your mouth in front of a crowd of people"That,that would not just hurt your pride but your soul as well you'd want to find a cave and hide out with some old hermit,share a hole to crap in and talk about how society sucks.eventually turning to dust so when someone finds your remains they will not be able to identify them.Obviously I'm even worse off than that.Even the hermit with no connection to society probably would find out my secrets if they were to get out.

You probably want to know who's thoughts your reading,So you can tell the world everything in here and humiliate my legacy,maybe even publishing this as a book,shit,I'm giving you ideas,well your not getting my name unles you gain my trust.So good luck with that.You also may be thinking why in the nine realms am I writing this down when I can just tell someone close to my heart..Well first of all I trust no one,and second of all I'm lonely,and third of all I maybe,kinda,commitedfirstdegreemurderandgotmymouthsewnshutsoIcanneverinfectmyliesintoanyoneeveragain.try saying that 10 times,I know,I know it sounds really bad but I only killed lik 80 people.UNWILLINGLY,unwillingly of course

I yelled that last bit,It didn't form any words though and I scared off the the bald rat looking thing I call Timothy in my cell,Timothys skin is really gross it looks like extremely chapped lips,but it's slimy some how and,yeah I'm in a cell right now,Not a very clean one,there's a bit of my blood on the walls and Timothy's blood as well it has this terrible stench of rotten fish and vomit nothing like you've probably ever smelt unless your a gravedigger or those people that study body parts.Let me give you a description of my surroundings,I'm in a small windowless room with a metal slab of a table in the middle,I think it's supposed to be a bed,but after waking up one day not being able to move wrists,ankles and torso strapped down to the supposed bed,a rotten potato with a human face looking down at me,holding a scalpel,cutting lines into my chest.

Later on I realized that he had carved his initials onto my skin!the nerve,If you were to meet a god,I guess It would be deeply satisfying to feel superior then them,but carving your initials into their skin!,is just demented.I guess Mr Potato Head isn't as kid friendly as you would initially think.I also realised it was not a bed but a operating table,Now when I try to sleep(not like I get much) I keep as far away as possible from the table.Now I've gone ahead and got  you hooked haven't I.

Well to bad you'll probably get to hear that story later on in this ordered pool of thoughts,IF they don't kill me first.You're probably a little scared to read this now,you know, the whole mass murderer and torture room stuff in the first chapter but don't worry it gets much worse,But I reckon I'm funny and pretty optimistic in the circumstances of my life,anyone who doesn't laugh at the handicapped guy is going to hell,so the story it won't be as gore-ified  as it could have been if I were a pessimist,do not get mixed up with the words pessimistic and optimistic the results can be horrific,that story later on.

If you are squeamish or easily frightened though don't read on it is full of torture misery and...just read lemony snicket's book,A series of unfortunate events,the first paragraph pretty much sums up my entire life.If you didn't like the blood on the walls bit I will warn you now I will be retaining my memory's of 1,2,Charlie 3,Timothy 4,Mum 5,Reagan,five deaths and one of them includes a knife,and yes Timothy dies.RIP.

You probably think your reading the thoughts of a deranged murdorouse lunatic?,and you would be partially right...So! sit back,relax get real comfy because you'll be sitting for a while and there'll be many moments where you won't be able to feel you legs at all, and when you do stand up you'll probably fall back down with the worst pins and needles you'll ever have in your life,So I'm going to break tradition this time and write instead ,stand up,walk a round a little,and enjoy reading! life in a $5 Notebook...

Is that a groan I think I hear through the future when someone reads this,that someone being you,wishing this was a video diary or an Audio book?Well to bad!,because I can't talk and neither can I video myself because then you would know who I am.and books are fun!(also I kind of have no idea how to use electronics I tried using a phone once but when it went flat my brother shot it with lightning trying to charge it),I know your primary school teachers have most definitely told you this many times,but I'm going to tell you through the power of words that books are absolutely magical,almost like a portal to another world.Also, I put a spell of sorts over the notebook so it will translate itself to your preferred language,cool huh!

So,books!,wooh,yeah hours of fun!.yeah sorry, that ended up sounding really sarcastic,but seriously you'll enjoy reading once you read a good book.A little tip for getting into reading don't,I repeat don't read any of the PMs books your forced to read in primary school.they'll only increase your likelihood to hate all literature. So read on!..

(I think that was a really interesting and engaging intro,don't you?oh, yeah,another warning if you don't like arrogant pricks ,I'm one of them.So heads up!)

I think I'll start my life story at the very beginning,where everyone's life story starts,No!,no no no no,Not! that beginning!I'm not writing about that!,we all know our life starts when a mummy and a daddy love each other very,I'll start as far back as I can remember instead of educating you on things you already know,That would be a waste of time,like that one time your put in a class learning things you learnt like three years ago,I know someone that came to England from Africa for better education and for an entire term they were learning about the countries of Africa(Africa is a continent,not a country)So I'll start with as far back as I can remember ...

Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now