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jungeun is almost certain she's never seen a girl as pretty as jinsoul. there's just no way there's someone out there as pretty as her. the first time jungeun saw jinsoul, she nearly tripped on her own two feet.

jungeun made her way through the courtyard as she ran over the notes for the exam in her head back to back. there was no way she could fail this. she's positive she studied the words she had written in her notebook more than she could count on her own two hands. jungeun had more than enough time to get to class so there was absolutely no rush.

when she looked up, the air was sucked from her lungs and she nearly face planted onto the pavement.

holy shit.

never in her nineteen years of living had jungeun seen someone so gorgeous. her eyes followed the slim yet athletic build of the girl who was a few feet away from her. jungeun didn't know her name but she definitely was going to find out.

that same day she found out her name. as it turns out, they share the same music lecture. when jungeun heard the name "jinsoul" fall from the lips of the professor, it stuck with her ever since. ever since that day, jungeun had been building up the courage to talk to jinsoul. it wasn't as easy as it seemed. jungeun was shy and gay, nothing was easy for her.

a month had passed and the only interactions they had were small smiles towards each other every time they made eye contact in class. jungeun had no problem with that considering it meant jinsoul knew who she was. at least that's what she assumed. she wasn't even sure jinsoul knew her name.

the second month had passed and jungeun was beginning to become hopeless. if it wasn't for her supportive roommate, yerim, jungeun would've lost hope after the second week.

okay, maybe she was being a bit overdramatic but she had a huge crush on jinsoul. she just wanted to talk to her. she was desperate.

which led jungeun to now. after some encouraging but threatening words from yerim, jungeun stood in the park, a few feet away from jinsoul who was studying on a blanket she had laid out.

how is she so effortlessly beautiful? fuck i can't do this she'd totally ignore me. but she's like right there. all i have to do is walk up and say hi. it's as easy as that. right?


jungeun walked about five steps towards her before retreating back to the spot she was in. she groaned to herself as she looked around. how hard could it be to talk to one girl? jungeun pulled out her phone and opened her messages with yerim.

jungeun: i can't do this

yerim: can't do this my ass just walk up and say hi

jungeun: it's not that easy

yerim: it's literally one word. "hi"

yerim: see it wasn't so hard

jungeun: but she's so PRETTY

yerim: and?

jungeun: you're no help oh my god i'm gonna try again

yerim: i'm not opening the dorm door unless you do it

jungeun: i have a key yerim

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