i'm supposed to be doing homework rn but this cunt YoThatsAiko tagged me and i don't want ppl to see a pic of me dancing. im scared
1. have a creative title.
2. you can't refuse.
3. you must complete this within the week of which you were tagged or you have to post a picture of yourself dancing rip.
4. reply to comments.
5. list 13 facts about yourself.
6. tag 15 ppl.
shit about me
(so i asked my wife i mean fren for some of these bc i literally couldn't think whoops. they're in #s 1-3 ((even tho there were ten of them lmao)) bc i thought the rest were liEs)
1. im annoying lmao
2. can be aggressive i guess
3. uM im not smol fuck off monique
4. ive got anxiety prime
5. most of the time my friends are more of a family than my actual one
6. literally only started watching anime last year
7. really really just wanna move out of my house
8. everything pisses me off
9. i hate myself a lOt
10. i swear way too much
11. wanna become a psychologist some day but how tf am i gonna make that happen i'm really fuckin stupid
12. fuckin hate kids
13. i call everyone bitch or cunt or literally every swear word out there especially the ones i love so um if i call u that don't be offended it just means i really appreciate u lmao
tagged peeps
uh i can't tag 15 ppl bc idk 15 ppl so um i'm tagging like 4 ppl oops (iM sORRY FOR BRINGING U INTO THIS EVEN THO ID REALLY KNOW U) (also ofc before publishing this i started to overthink things which makes me want to apologize for any possible thing in advanced idk what it is idk y kill me)
byebye assholes