Raid of the Insect Mother

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It was a normal Monday in the VRChat  fangroup server,people were getting ready for the mighty seagull' s arrival after his weekly feeding. Little did anyone know, there was a storm brewing.

There was a crowd, patiently waiting for the seagull to spread his wings and fly. All of a sudden a butterfly, the color of black, flew by. It purched upon the mighty tree of afk. It must have dozed off at the thought of the wonderful taste of coffee that it longed for after a long day. Suddenly, another butterfly flew in. Shocking everybody who had gazed upon this event. Everyone brushed it off thinking maybe it was just an illusion. In came more butterfly's. 2,3,4, more and more joined until everyone was swarmed by this unforeseen event. All  were in a state of confusion until the mighty true black butterfly arose from it's slumber upon the tree of afk. It spread it's might wings and sent the other butterfly' s back to their original form. Once again, the simple black butterfly, saves the day.

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