Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

I was sitting on my front porch watching the kids play in the yard while reading my kid brother's book. I was suck into my own little world until one of the boys came up to me saying that they where hungry. So I went inside to see what my Aunt Rose had cooked for dinner. Noticing that dinner was ready I called in the boys saying "Micheal! Patrick! Dinner's ready!" then two little boys not even six came running towards me.

I braced myself saying "you boys better go wash your hands in the bathroom or nobody gets desert." They respond saying "alright Aunt Alex". And they went inside and down the hall to the bathroom. I picked up my book and went inside and sat down on the couch. Your probably wondering how these two lovely boys came into my life, well I'll explain.


I have an older sister and a younger brother. When I was younger my sister was the one me and my brother looked up to, but everything changed after she graduated high school. She got into some trouble with her group of "friends" but it didn't stop there. She meet a guy, Trevor. He was nice to us and everything but one night they both were drunk. About eight months later little Micheal and Patrick were born. They spent two weeks in the N.I.C.U.

When they finally came home my sister wanted nothing to do with them. So it was left to my mom to raise them. I helped her out for two years until I left for collage. I came home every summer to help my mom. She enjoyed the help that me and my younger brother, Connor, gave her. We went to all of these fun places and sent emails to my sister of the boys having a good ole time but she never read them. My brother joined me at school after the summer was over.

We came home as often as we could. We came home for sure during breaks and sometimes on long weekends. During that school year my brother started writing his book called "Young Love" with my sister sorta kinda being the main character. We came home in the middle of the day just for the boys third birthday surprise. And this was normal for us.

Everything was going well until one night when I got a call from my mother. Which I thought she was telling me something that one of the boys did during the day, boy was I wrong. My sister, Samantha, got arrested with her "friends" for possession of illegal drugs. I called my brother right away to meet me at my dorm room. We came home the soonest possible moment to be there for my mom, sister, and our two young nephews. A week later me and my mom went to court to see what will happen to my sister.

During the court hearing my mother had to get up and testify about stuff for my sister's case when the question came about, "is it true that Ms. Samantha has two children of the ages of three years old?" My sister cringed at the sound of her being called Samantha, she prefers to be called Sam or Sammie. "This is correct. They have been under my care since they were born" replied my mother. Then the lawyer said "Your Honor, if Ms. Samantha shall or shall not go to jail I recommend that, being in the best interest of the two young boys, their custody be rewarded to Ms. Samantha's mother until she has been okay-ed by the state to raise her children" "Is that all" said the judge. "Yes sir."

By the end of the two hour court session with one half hour recess for lunch my sister was taken to jail for 15 years and my mother was rewarded custody of Micheal and Patrick. I stayed with them for a couple more days until I had to go back to school for class. I talked to my mom daily and helped her in any way I could even though I was far away from home. Everything was going fine at home and at school. Until I came home from school for the summer.

I learned that my mom had cancer. I had to think of my two young nephews who are only three years old at this time. I decided to stay home and go to collage online so I can help my mother with the treatments and taking care of the boys. When we all thought that the treatments were working is when we found out the cancer had spread. After the boys turned five, peacefully in her sleep she passed away.

Just a week before her death we went to the lawyer to transfer the custody of the boys over to me so that when my mom died they didn't have to go to some foster home. I stayed with my online schooling and got my Bachelors Degree while they where at preschool and a the first week of their kindergarten year.

*End of Flashback*

"Boys! Hurry up or your dinner is getting cold!" I said down the hallway where the boys were washing their hands in the bathroom. "Whats for dinner Auntie Alex" asked Patrick as he was coming out of the bathroom with his brother "I believe Aunt Rose made some of her yummy homemade pizza. Does that sound good for a Friday night after a long day of school and playing in the yard with your friends?" "Yes!!" They say with some excitement.

After we finished with dinner Rose spoke up saying "How would you boys like to make some homemade ice cream? I have everything we need right in the kitchen" I saw the boys faces light up like it was Christmas morning when they got their new bikes. Rose took that as a yes and led the boys into the kitchen leaving me alone in the dinning room with my thoughts. I'm so glad that my Aunt Rose was able to come and help me raise the boys because I wouldn't be able to do it by myself. Six years ago I never thought my older sister would go to jail and I would be stuck with her two darling boys who she refused to raise.

Rose's POV

I knew one of these days Samantha would get into trouble with her friends. But that trouble also included these two young boys who are being cared for by Alexandrea. I was so happy when she called me and asked me to help her take care of the boys. Who wouldn't blame her. She's all by herself, her sisters in jail until the boy's eighteenth birthday, and her mom died at a pretty early age. Well never mind the sad parts, they boys are having a grand ole time helping me make some homemade ice cream. They're such good little boys and I never want them to grow up to be like their mother and father, behind bars.

Patrick's POV

I love living with Aunt Alex and Aunt Rose. I wonder everyday what my mom and dad is doing right now. I'm guessing it's something big because they never talk about it. I wish every time, I blow out my birthday candles, that I can see them and hear them say that they love me and my brother. Maybe they're both over seas fighting and will come home this Christmas and surprise us like I've seen my best friend Jared's dad do at school last week on his birthday. I just want to see my mom and dad.

Micheal's POV

I know what happened to my mom and dad. I over heard Aunt Alex and Aunt Rose talking about it one night after me and Patrick went to bed. I snuck out to go to the bathroom because I forgot to go and I heard Aunt Alex saying something about my parents being locked up until we turn eighteen. I wonder how it all happened. I wonder if they even cared about us but all I can remember about my younger years is that I was always with my grandma. I also remembered when Aunt Alex and Uncle Connor came home one day out of the blue for our birthday.

I wish I could tell Patrick. I don't think he has the slightest idea on whats going on. I feel bad for Aunt Alex because she has to take care of me and my brother and never seems to have a life of her own once grandma died. I love her to death maybe one of these days we can go and visit mom and dad. Which is probably unlikely knowing Aunt Alex.

Samantha's POV

I wonder if they worry about me. I don't even think they know what's going on. I get tons of letters from Alex and Aunt Rose. I never read them. I don't want to be reminded of a horrible mother I am to my children. Tomorrow I will write Alex a letter to say that on the next family day she should bring the boys and I know the guards will bring out Trevor too cause I mean they are our children. I've screwed up my life.

Alex's POV

I need to go see her. The boys need to see their mom and dad. They need to know what their parents life are like. I wish it wasn't so hard on me to deal with my sister being locked up and me taking care of my sister's children. Who would've guessed my life would be like this. All because of my sister's mistakes.

A/n: Hey guys I hope you guys like the first chapter of this story. I'll try to update on a weekly base but with school and band I'm pretty busy. So expect an update about a week from today.

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