Chapter One - Daisy Passing

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[ _Migraine- Twisted_Shadows_XXX Goldenstorm101 would you guys mind reading over and giving some feedback....? ]

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. A kingdom that was ruled by the Birds and the Bees. One day, on the darkest night in all the history of the kingdom, the queen of the Bees, went to a fortune teller. The teller told the queen that in a century blood will stain the forest floor, and the Birds would take the power over all. The queen thought this meant the Birds would be the cause of all the destruction, and hearing that the Birds would take power over the Bees is what the Queen dreaded most. Within a year, plans for a war were started. There was no return from the decision they had made.

But this was all in a story book. Fairytales that were not to come true. Yet felt true. Like when every day somebody dies, yet it doesn't effect
you. However it effects you once you know or see that death will occur.

Like when your oblivious to the war going on around you.

It's all in fairytales.


"Elizabeth!" I heard a voice sound from behind my bedroom door. "We need to go, or we'll be late for Nana's funeral! Where your dress please." I recognized the voice as that of my mother's. I let out a shaky sigh, lifting my legs from my bed, and standing. I walked towards my closet and pulled out a black silk dress that seemed particularly eerie today. The dress usually had a certain glow. That's what made me so fond of it, however today, the dress seemed almost dreary, like the clouds outside my window that were hanging low covering the usually blue Californian sky's with darkness. A cliche day for a funeral I suppose.

I changed out of my pajamas I had been wearing for the past three summer days, after I found out about my grandmother's death. I, of course, had no control over the situation. I had locked myself in my bedroom and refused to come out, making things worse for myself. I zipped up the zipper of the dress and looked myself in the mirror. I had dark bags under my eyes and I looked more pale than usual. My black hair was tangled into a mess and I looked like something out of a Tim Burton film. I let out a sigh, unzipping the dress and grabbing a towel that was laying on my bed. I wrapped it around me and slowly opened the door from my bedroom. Light blinded my vision, and I realized I had turned all the lights off inside my bedroom. I scurried towards the bathroom and turned on the water inside the shower. I threw my towel off to the side and hopped in. I soaked my hair with shampoo, and quickly rinsed it out. I knew my mom would be mad if we were late. She's most likely to blame it on me again. Of course, because I had no siblings to blame it on other than me.

By the time I had fully conditioned my hair and slathered my body with soap, it had already been ten minutes. I had to rush to do my hair, and get my dress on before my mother climbed the stairs and scolded me. I zipped up my dress pulled my hair into a ponytail, and admired my last minute work. My bedroom door creaked open and I turned to see Vixen, my tabby, crawling through the doorway. I pushed myself out of my bedroom, down the hall and to the stairs. As I made my way down, my eyes traced over the number of family photos strung on the wall. My eyes ripped away to meet my mother's. I got a good look at her.

She looked extremely stressed, her eyes shown bags and she looked as though she couldn't focus clearly. Her eyes trailed to the door and she began walking towards it. I realized how selfish it must have been to lock myself away while everyone else had to suffer through the same, maybe even worse, pain as me. I looked down to my black flats, which were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world for the next five minutes, which was how long it took to drive to the funeral home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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