part 2 | the letter

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part two
the letter

[name extracted for privacy concerns],

During a time when i needed someone the most, you crashed into my life with a sudden and reckless manner. your intentions were not pure, you merely talked to me because you thought i was pretty, which should have been an indicator to how it would end. in the beginning, you were there to listen to my vents and i was there to listen to your own. through the heartbreak, pain, and happiness, we were there for each other. you always told me how much you appreciated me and how i prevented you from harming yourself. you aided in my growth for a short while, always pushing me to strive. while i was going through my own struggles, you were too. i was there to give you advice when needed, and i was there to listen. i provided you with something you desperately needed; someone who cared. i was content with what we had- a friendship that held honesty, trust, and support for one another. but you wanted more. you wanted what you couldn't have. you wanted me. but there's a difference between wanting to be with me and wanting me in your bed. through the cute nicknames, you had supposedly caught feelings for me. you hurt me in the way i told you i've been hurt before. through your lies, you attempted to take what you shouldn't have. with your words (oh, how sweet those were) you captured my heart. what i was content with was no longer enough. you told me we would be together. you planted that seed into me. but what you wanted was my loyalty and my tendency to do anything for you because i cared. you hurt me, the person that stayed throughout all the bullshit. you turned into an ugly person that only takes advantage. but because you held my heart and i had let you, i stayed. it wasn't until i found out the lies you told me, and the hurt you made me feel, i knew i had to let you go. i wanted to fight for what we had, but you claimed i deserved more. you claimed i shouldn't be there for you after everything you've done. you played me stupid, but i wouldn't have changed a thing. we were there for each other through the bullshit, and that has created a beautiful beginning to a tragic ending.
You have made me the happiest with your false loyalty, and honesty. but what i have come to learn, is that you did care in your own twisted way. you decided not to fight for what we had, because you knew that with your tendencies to hurt anything that cared for you, you'd hurt me way more than you already did. you told me a truth that i choose to believe, because if i don't then all of this was lie. you told me, that you are too broken, and too fucked, to love someone as gentle and caring as i. you fucked up something that could have been good because you made the grown decision to let me go. you told me that when you are more worthy of my love, we'll meet each other again. if i had to go back, i wouldn't carry my heart with more security instead i'd do everything the exact way as i did the first time. you taught me a lesson i shall take with me for the rest of my life; people are brought into your life when you need it, and they may not always stay. thank you for the happiness you have given me when i needed it the most. i once promised you i'd always be here for you, and whether or not you take that promise and use it, it will always stand true. you are capable of great things. never loose sight of who you were. always strive and you will prosper. thank you so much for teaching me what it meant to truly care for someone that i wasn't tied to through blood, and thank you dearly for teaching me that i am worthy of only the truest and deepest love. i wish nothing but the best for you.

your chicken strip,
someone who cared when you needed it.

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