1st ever tag

16 3 1

Hiya Naynaychu here and I've been tagged so yea umm btw have an awesome picture of a deer I took

Here are the rules:
~mention the person
~please write the rules
~Must do it in three days
~State 10 things about yourself
~a spoiler for your next story
~tag 28 people (I can't do this one I don't know that many and I haven't got a story)

The person who tagged me is drumroll plz *dramatic drumroll*
*confetti flys everywhere*

Okay so here are 10 things about me:
1.I am in lots of fandoms but at the moment I am in LOVE with Voltron.
2.I am Genderfluid.
3.I play football.
4.I like to draw (but I haven't in a while).
5.I like to stay inside.
6.I usually wear dark clothes or pjs.
7.I want to get a PS4 and play Detroit:Become Human.
8.I love music and singing.
9.I love to watch animation memes on YouTube as well as Cracks/Memes.
10.I am single but is it wrong to have a crush on tv characters.

I can't tag 28 people cuz yeah I have no friends lol *violin plays in background*

Oh and I haven't done a story yet cuz I don't think people would like my writing and I have no imagination hehehe

Welp see ya soon
Peace Out ✌🏻

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