Heat Haze Days (Male!BelarusxReader)

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The sun beat down on my heat relentlessly, a terrible wave of heat ripped through my body and fled off my head. It was August 15th, and according to my iPod, around 12:30 give or take a few minutes. The weather was incredibly nice, although the heat slightly irritating. Sitting on that sun heated swing I pushed myself idly back and forth with my foot in the sand.

                Without a word I tucked my iPod back into my pocket and turned my eyes up onto the sky, studying the white clouds smeared across the sky; like splatters dropped across the horizon from God’s paintbrush. The sky was otherwise clear and a cheerful blue, at least, if you were one to like the color blue.  I supposed it was better than a warm color like orange or red. Anything was better than being warm, it was so hot that day, the heat made me will for winter again. But I knew that as soon as winter would come I’d just want summer again. So I remained in the brutal heat, trying not to complain.

                Somehow earlier that day I had left from my air conditioned house to come with you to the local park. Not really for any reason in particular besides the obvious of both of us having nothing better to do. So when you came to my shop with your [e/c] eyes shining as you asked if I’d come to the park with you, how could I resist? So there we were, chatting the afternoon away, trying to stay levelheaded through the heat.

                “Well, y’know,” You spoke beside me, “I kind of hate summer.” You murmured boldly while petting a cat nestled on your lap. How you had managed to get that stupid cat I’d never be able to fathom. That cat had been so finicky when I approached it, although, I suppose the scent that followed me was one a cat didn’t really like. My home was just above the knife shop I owned with my older sister and brother, but my sister, Anya, stopped helping us with the knife shop a few years ago and got married and moved away. Since then it’s only been me and Dmitri, although he had some issues with the rare, rude customers, so I had to man the counter most of the time.  

                It resulted with the scent of steel and metal always clinging to me, but you never seemed to mind. The black fur of the cat stuck to your [d/c] dress as you ran your hand down its lithe body.  “We should head back, I’m getting kinda hungry.” You said, standing up and glanced back to me.

                I nodded and stood up, “Yeah, me too.” I slung my arms behind my head and walked along with you across the grassy field of the park. Still you held that cat that you seemed to have charmed as soon as you touched it. Perhaps it was my scent, or maybe even my pale blonde hair and violet eyes, possibly even my dark pants and blanched sweatshirt that had made it hate me so much. But either way, the scratch on my finger was reason enough for me to have a slight grudge against it.

                As we approached the street I picked up our pace slightly, wanting to hurry across the street before the light changed. But then again, despite being a city street it didn’t normally have any rushing traffic. But as we neared the street that cat clawed out of your arms and dashed off into the street by itself. With the light still white and inviting, you hurried after it, sweeping down to catch it.

Ah, you pursued that cat as it ran away from you, making a small smile grace my features; seeing your concern for the dumb cat; that thing was probably sick anyway. Yet I let you scurry off after it, the [d/c] skirt of your dress fluttering after you. But just as you reached for it, what jumped out was the traffic light that changed to a glaring red.

                Suddenly a truck came out of nowhere and struck you as you screamed; that scream that echoed over and over in my head. Dread ripped through my stomach as I watched with eyes wide and shaking. The heat of the day seemed to pound on my body as I covered my mouth in shock and terror.

Heat Haze Days (Male!BelarusxReader)Where stories live. Discover now