a very drarry Christmas

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All Harry had done all day was avoid the mistletoe. He looked down every hall and corridor for peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist. He kept holding mistletoe over peoples heads. Harry walked to the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Harry watched as the tables around him filled slowly with students. Harry saw hermione jump when Dumbledor's loud voice echoed around the room. "I hope you are all having a nice evening. Merry Christmas to all. And by the way, Hagrid has baked our Christmas cake this year, so let's hear a round of applause for Hagrid." Applause thundered around the room for a few minutes. Harry glanced at the cake, which read "hapee krismis"  he smiled and ate quickly, he still had to rap his friends Christmas presents! Peeves was hanging mistletoe in between the tables. As everyone got up to leave, harry stayed to compliment the house elves on the meal. After he did so, he saw Draco malfoy straighten back up, he had been tying his shoes.  Harry  walked towards the exit of the great hall and he and malfoy were in the doorway at the same time and they both looked up, knowing what was there. The next thing they knew, they heard pansy Parkinson screaming "Harry and Draco are under the mistletoe! HARRY AND DRACO ARE UNDER THE MISTLETOE!!!!!!!!!" Harry and Draco looked at each other, then at the crowd that  now surrounded them.  

  ~meanwhile in dumbledor's office~

"I think that'll do it." George said. Fred nodded. they both gazed at the dip dyed red and green tampons they hung from the ceiling. "looks great, huh george?" "indeed it does Fred, indeed it does." There were red and green tampons on the floor the ceiling, the pencil jar and in the drawers. This was definitely the best Christmas prank so far. They had even stuffed a couple green tampons in the shower drain. 

         ~back at the great hall~

The entire school was now in the hallway. "let's just get it over with." Harry whispered.  Draco nodded and pulled harry closer to him, pressing his lips to harrys.  Draco wrapped his arms around Harry as Harry tangled his fingers in the blond fluffy hair. They pulled away their foreheads still touching. "They weren't supposed to know yet, love." Harry whispers. Draco nodded "I know, but, I guess now was a good time for them to know. Im tired of us always having to hide"  "I... I love you Draco." Harry said.  "love you too." Draco said.


"you better treat him right, Draco malfoy!!!" Hermione said loudly. "I will!" He snapped. Ron was still bellowing, if there was anything he was good at, it was bellowing.  Then the twins burst in red and green dye on their hands. Hermione simply ignores them. "you better" she said, smiling at Draco.   "you better" Draco mocked. "hush Ron!" Hermione yelled, but he continued to bellow.

"Great.. No sleep for us" Harry thought.

So, that's it. It's finished, I just wanted to write a quick, short story. I hope you enjoyed.  :-)

A very drarry Christmas (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now