Chapter 1: Knowing Feeling Of Thruth Love

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Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon SADLY


As our heros travel to the next city for Ash's next gym battle something caught our heros attention

Ahaa... Hey guys... Whats that sound?- said Clemont with fear making all four to stay quiet.

I'm scared Big Brother- said Bonnie holding Clemont's hand

I know this sound !-said Ash in his mind with a worried face, face that makes Serena wonder what's Ash thinking

Ash are you ok?- asked Serena to Ash.

Serena this isn't good i know this sound i have listened way back in the begginig of my journey!- said Ash with fear in his voise and Pikachu afirming what Ash just say Pika Pi (Thats right now i remember) this makes Serena, Bonnie and Clemont feel scared.

But when Ash finish telling his friends, a bunch of sperows came out of the trees and charge to Ash and his friends for the time pikachu snap them with tundershock , making two groups making the gang split out on in diferent paths.


We finaly lose them rigth?- said Serena recovering his breath

Yeah i think sow.- said Ash recovering his breath too

Hey...Where's Clemont and Bonnie?- Ash asked to Serena seeing her suroundings

I think we got separated when the Sperows attack us- said Serena

I think sow...- said Ash resting under a tree


In other part of the forest...

Hey....I think.....We...Lost...Them- said Clemont fainting on the floor

Hey Brother where's Ash and Serena I don't see them anywhere.-said Bonnie worried holding Dedenne's bag.

Nene?- said Dedenne wondering what happend (A/N: As you know Dedenne is always slepping)

We will find them Bonnie don't worry lets prepare camp its getting dark- said Clemont trying to calm Bonnie

Yes...mabey you are right.-said Bonnie trying to stay calm



Serena and Ash were feeding their Pokemon and Eating the food that Serena just bake when they finish they got in they sleeping bags and whent to sleep.

Ash was dreaming getting the title of Kalos Campion, when something fall in Ash's head making him wake up

What tha....What wake me up?-said Ash getting out of his sleeping bag

"Hey.. Wheres Serena?"- seeing his surroundings

He took a flashlight and go to search for Serena

Serena! Where are you?- said Ash hopping to get an aswer

Then he recall that it was a lake near by, When he got to the lake he saw Serena sitting near the lake and the moon light reflecting in Serena's face

His face looks sow beutifull...-Said Ash wile blushing a little, but when he said that he wasn't payimg attention to where he was going and making trip of on the ground

with this Serena notice what happend and stand up and go where Ash was and help him to get up.

Ash are you alright?- said Serena with worry on his face

Yes I'm rigth Serena...-said Ash with a blush when he notice that Serena was helping him to stand up, he felt his pulse geting faster and faster.

Ash what were you doing up at the midle of the night?- Serena ask

I was worry about you Serena because something fell on my face and wake me up and i notice that you weren't in you sleeping bag sow i came searching for you and then i saw you near the lake and i fell down because i wasn't payong attention because i was tinking how your face looks sow beutifull in the moon light...- said Ash with a huge blush on his face when he said that last phrase.

This makes Serena's face ligth up like a flamethrower from Fenekin

Ash...-said Serena softly

Serena...-said Ash softly

Then they began to look at aech others eyes and they begging to aproche to each others face to gave a kiss butt sudently Dedenne came out of the woods with Clemont and Bonnie.

What are you doooinggg..?- said Bonnie with a creepy smile on his face whe she saw Ash and Serena about to share a kiss.!- Ash and Serena said simultaniusly with a huge blush in there faces.

Oh well, let's get to the camp to get a nice well sleep- said Clemont to broke the tention of Bonnie towards Ash and Serena


Will Ash and Serena tell there fellings for each other

Will i ever know how to write english rigth.

I will post the next chapter soon

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