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Once I leaned on the brick wall, I breathed heavily the dirty air that is now surrounding me. Currently it's 11pm, and I already feel like wanting to jump off a roof and land in a pool, possibly filled with deadly acid instead of water.

I grab a cigarette from my sweatpants pocket and drag it to my, now, chapped lips.

I grab the lighter and lit the cigarette, this feeling is so soothing, or at least to me it is.
It relieves me from stress and constant paranoia, not to mention my daily anxiety attacks.  As I take the cigarette's back out of my mouth, the smoke spreads away from my lips quickly and vanishes in the air.

I put the sigarette's back between my lips and continue on doing the same action all over and over again until the toxic material eventually ends.
The only source of light are a few lanterns hanging here and there... this shows how poor this place is that I'm currently at.

A strip club.

I'm a stripper, so far the most wanted one by the filthy customers we get every single night. It seems that they get more and more by each week that passes... it makes me feel disgusted by them because instead of looking for, maybe, the love of their life they just spend the small amount of time they have in their life in a strip club, catcalling me and the other strippers, touching us which isn't even allowed but the boss doesn't give a damn fuck about it.

As long as we manage to get him a lot of money he will let anything happen to us, uncaring if we might die. Which I think wouldn't be so bad after all, I'd be set finally free from this world and live along my loving mother and father in heaven.

My cigarette unfortunately finished and I can't smoke any others, because I might get in very big trouble, smell of smoke gets attached to clothes and it's not that people aren't going to smell it.

At the moment I'm in the parking spot of the strip club, I wish to never go back in there now, I can hear so many screams of the crowd, they're screaming the nickname that they all gave me, which is 'Titan'.
I don't understand the reason of it, but I'm not allowed to complain about it even alone with myself.

I guess that if I make them wait a few more minutes nothing will happen. So far for all that I know is that if it wasn't because of my father, I wouldn't be here now, I wouldn't be who I am now, I would have become a better person than I am now. I would be probably now working in an office and doing important stuff for my city, but no I'm stuck in a place in which I always risk to get fucked.

As I mentioned before, I'm here because of my father, it's not that I hate him, I just... I don't even know if I can call it hate, I'm so tired to eventually think of anything. He got trapped in a deal that he couldn't manage to pay, so what did the deal's bosses do?

Sent me to work in one of the strip clubs they own so that I could help my father to pay off the trouble he got in. They chose a strip club because they assumed I had a very pleasing body that could have satisfied the eyes of the many customers they have.I remember everything was going well until about four years ago, my mother and father got killed by one of the boss's thugs, and then they took me in the strip club by force, which means they took me out of school, and since that damn day I was doing what I'm still doing today, strip.

I inhale the still dirty air in order to drift out of my thoughts, but as I attempt to calm down someone decides to call me, growling under my breath I grab my phone and read the ID of the caller, Petra? What in the world does she want now, she's one of the managers of the strip club.

"Eren! Finally you picked up I was worried something might have happened to you!" , "Spare me your pity, what do you want Petra."

"Chill.. anyways, you must get back in NOW, wait in your room okay?" , "And why's that" , "We're going to have a new stripper! Aren't you excited? You'll have a new friend" , "I don't give a damn about it, but why did you choose actually me of all the other strippers that work here?" I ask rather annoyed.

"Because you're the best one, and those are also be boss's orders so you better do what he says—" , "Yeah okay I'll be there in a minute bye bitch" I ended the call without letting her say a word, so i will have to teach a newbie? Wow. I go back in trying to avoid the crowd, and successfully i did.
I'm in my room now, waiting on my chair for Petra to introduce me to this new person.

[Writer's corner]

So this is the first chapter, what do you think of it? Besides that, Levi will be 24 and Eren will be 19 with his beautiful long hair ;).
Well, me and Lee are welcoming you into this new Ereri/Riren fanfiction, hope you are going to enjoy❤️


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