Behind The Painting

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    The looming castle hovered over the land in which it centered as the few inside stayed silent waiting for the Queen and her bodyguard to return from the kingdom. The far sun slowly lowering itself to once again bring the nightfall. The planning of The Full Moon Celebration had come once again, and The Queen Unikitty was the one to organize it as always. She was always having to do this stuff ever since she became Queen. Barely ever at the castle. Neither was Hawkodile. He always had to go and protect Unikitty from anyone in the kingdom. The tall doors opened as the pair walked inside. “Another day in the burning heat planning out this event. Isn't it...great.” Unikitty remarked. The doors closed behind them as Puppycorn ran into the main hall to them. “Unikitty! Hawkodile! How was your day in the kingdom?” he asked, practicality jumping from excitement. Unikitty yawned, clearly tired, “It was the same as usual lil bro. Just organizing The Full Moon Celebration.. Again.” “And dealing with crazy people trying to get near you,” Hawkodile tagged in, “the nerve of some people is insane.”

    The Queen chuckled, “Don't forgot Phoebe trying to hit on you.”

    “Oh don't get me started on her. Can't she take no for an answer?”

    “She's still after you?” Puppycorn rhetorically asked, “It's been literal years now!”

    The trio continue to converse in the hall for awhile talking about their separate days. Only a few minutes passed by before Richard came into the main hall with them, “You three seem to be having fun.”

    “Oh Hey Richard!” Unikitty hollered, “How's your day been?”

    “Normal as always. I'm hoping yours was fine as well.”

    She sighed, “As normal as is can possibly be. Constantly listening to people complaining about the plans and making me redo them. Again, and again, and again.” Puppycorn frowned, “You shouldn't redo all your plans just for a few people. You can't please everyone in the kingdom at once.” Unikitty gave a faint smile, “No but, I can try to.”

    “Speaking of which, have you finished organizing the final plans?” Richard asked. The Queen hesitated before answering that question, “N-no...I should go do that.” She started walking towards the staircase that led to her room before turning around, “Hey Hawkodile, you take a break for a bit okay?”

    “Are you sure? I mean I'm supposed to be guarding you a-”

    She cut him off, “Yes I'm sure. We're in the castle anyways, everything's safe in here.” Unikitty walked up the stairs and out of their sight. “Okay you two I already know you're gonna make a mess but please don't make it too-” as soon as Richard turned around the two were already gone, “cluttered..”

    “No fair you can't throw the ball that far!” Puppycorn shouted from the opposite side of the hallway. “I can't help if if I'm that good at throwing!” his friend jokingly laughed back.

    “That good at throwing my rear! If you were good you wouldn't miss me.”

    “Are you doubting my skills?” Hawkodile asked, pretending to be surprised. Puppycorn threw the ball back and watched his friend catch it with ease. “Yes, yes I am,” he laughed.

    They continued to toss the ball back and forth between each other before growing board of it. After awhile the two started chasing one another through the halls of the castle.

    “You'll never catch me Hawkodile! You run on two legs and I run on four!”

    As soon as he said that he ended up running face first into a table sitting against the wall and heard a loud thud afterwards.

   “Ow, okay that hurt,” he rubbed his forehead has he stood up.

   “Puppycorn are you okay? That looked like it hurt,” Hawkodile asked as he walked up next to the Prince.

    “Yeah, I'm okay.”

    Hawkodile helped Puppycorn stand back up onto his two back legs, “The painting somehow fell over.”

    “Shouldn't it be hanging off the...wall,” Puppycorn stared at where the painting sat.

    “I think it was just sitting on the tab- Oh no it was the family portrait,” he quickly picked the painting up and made sure it wasn't damaged before letting out a sigh of relief. “Okay it's not messed up,” he looked towards Puppycorn and noticed his gaze on the wall, “What are you lo-...Is that a door?”

    Behind the wallpaper seemed to be the indentation of a small doorway were the painting was placed beforehand.

    “Do you think there's anything behind it?” Puppycorn asked.

    “I doubt it, and even if there was something we're probably not supposed to see it,” he placed the portrait back on the table flat against the wall, covering the door once again. The painting showcased a mother and father, a younger Unikitty, and a baby Puppycorn.

    “It's funny how my mom was the only one with a horn yet me and Unikitty both have one.”

    “You both got lucky I guess.”

    “Very lucky indeed,” a familiar voice said behind them. The two turned around to see Richard behind them, “I just came down to tell you dinner’s almost ready.”

    Richard had fixed the same meal as he usually does. It wasn't a great tasting dish but it was still good. Everyone at the table always managed to hold a conversation as Puppycorn just waited for a chance he could chime in. As always, they talked about their day's work and he stayed silent throughout all of it. He almost wished he had work to do just so he could talk to them about his stories. It would be awhile until that day though.

    Their dinner anxiously passed by slowly as always. Afterwards Puppycorn decided to just go to sleep early that night. Richard was cleaning up after dinner, Unikitty was still sorting out her plans for the Full Moon Celebration, and both Hawkodile and Dr. Fox were in the lab bringing in new equipment. Usually he would be able to possibly talk to Hawkodile or Dr. Fox for a bit, but the shipment kept them both busy.

    He walked up to his too his room and laid down. Even if his day wasn't perfect, he was satisfied with it. He was able to actually hang out with Hawkodile for awhile, even if it wasn't very long.

    He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into his slumber.

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