Happy Ending (Every Actions Requires Trust and Honesty)

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If a fairy tale starts with a “Once upon a time” and ends with a “Happily ever after” our friendship springs from a mere “hello” and falls into “goodbye”. How your absence can became a great lacking on me? How can I still crave for the comfort you gave when I am down, for the smile you paint into my lips, for the gladness you put into my heart. I guess this is goodbye, like the dawn on its dusk, like the sunrise on its sunset.

Our friendship comes from a mustard seed like, even how small it is it became as big as an Oak tree. I have seen you on the mid-corner of that room fascinated by your intimidating aura, but I just ignore the fact that I am having an admiration to you hoping somehow it will soon fade away. I envy those people that gravitate with you, how you put those glittering curves in their lips. I want to get close to you but I am afraid I will end up disappointed, one afternoon as the last rays of the setting sun shone brightly through the long stems of the trees upon the green under wood beneath and birds sang plaintively from the tall birches and people across the world was now in their coats ready to end up the day. Here I am still at the library staring at you hoping to stop the clock to for me to enjoy the moment of solidarity. The sun is setting fast and half of its circle had disappeared behind the hill and there were only few people feeding their thoughts. The rat in my stomach had started the marathon and nervousness covers me as I tried to approach you. I started exploring your world and I can’t stop for more, every chapter of it. After that we usually hangs out together at parks, malls, even in our own house, internet cafes, however the best place where we can have some peace is in a library, that was the best place ever cause here our friendship blooms from a seedling to as big as a mountain. The summer flowers spreads its petals as well as the sea breeze blew. On the contrary in every summer there comes the cold winter.

It was a ghastly, sad, gloomy morning at the library we gaze as the dark heavens pour out its rage, watching every raindrops race to the grounds. I feel so heavy and down smelling the fragrance of parting. Then somebody took you away from me, like an eagle with sharp claws getting its prey, at first I protested but in the end I consented. This is better without your presence around, things will be easy for me. We part with heart feelings without you knowing what I feel for you, leaving words left unspoken and tears left unshed. I don’t know if it was right for me to do this but the more we will be together the complicated it is. I will still be tangled up by your shadow, I will try to let go, try to move on and try to forget you but the more I kill this feeling the more I am suffocated by the agonizing pain, You were now like an emblem in my heart that is hard to loose, you are already carved on it, wherever I go, whatever I do, every turn of my head, every breathe that I take.

Days had became weeks and weeks runs to months, I go back to the place where we use to chill and mostly to our favorite place at the library. I reminisced the past, the fun that we have, remembered “shake it babe?” at the mall? But all of it everything of it soon fades to memories. I ask, I seek, I knock but nobody had the answer, I am failed.

I have been searching high and low still I can’t even see a glimpse of your shadow. Maybe this is our destiny. You were now like an old song I have known that has soon withered, first the lyrics, next the rhythm until all I knew is the title “Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer.

How I miss every chapters, characters and even the bizarre love triangle of Jacob, Bella and Edward Cullen. Proving love have no exact depths, no exact places, no exact kind, no exact time, Human towards vampires, shape shifter towards human, Love is universal.

On the other hand, its inevitable or us to get hurt, to get dumped and learn the art of letting go, that’s the bitter, the sweet and the drama, that’s reality. Pain will be coming in battalions so we must be ready. There will be a thousand hindrances before fulfilling true love, above all love itself will keep us fighting. Guess this is the peak of this article without even obtaining a HAPPY ENDING.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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