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Charlie Weasley was finishing packing to go the south of Romania. This was his first time away with his work in the 2 months after the Great War. He wanted to go back to life as it had been before the war and, after he had done all he could to repair Hogwarts, he decided to go.

When he arrived in Romania, using the portkey used provided by his work, he went to the main office building where he found the reception deserted. He went back outside and saw, at the other end of the office building, the dark mark! He sprinted back inside, suddenly aware of the  way that the clock on the wall had frozen, as if time itself had stopped. He ran through to the office room where all the information about the dragons was kept and saw his boss, Mr Dragomer, lying on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood with two death eaters (Narcissa Malfoy and Rabastan Lestrange) standing over him.

Rabastan looked up and saw Charlie standing in the doorway. He turned to Narcissa and they ran out the back door. Charlie ran over to Mr Dragomer and saw that he was dying. Charlie knew that there was nothing he could do to save his boss so he tried to make him as comfortable as possible. There was a great flash outside the window and Charlie saw the Dark Mark had appeared in the sky again. He heard the evil laugh of Narcissa and could just see them apparating away. Charlie ran back over to Mr Dragomer and heard his last words.

"They want to know how to control the dragons... tortured me... don't tell them... another attack on Hogwarts..." And with that he closed his eyes and died. Charlie tried to process this information and decided to send an owl to his dad, Mr Weasley. He thought carefully about what to write in case the owl was intercepted but managed to say something that would only make sense to the members of the phoenix. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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