Body, Mind and Soul

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(Alarm goes off in the dark. Shot of Lydia waking up and rolling over begrudged. We see her walk to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. Head is standing behind her.)

Head: What are you doing?

Lydia: Getting ready.

Head: What about breakfast?

Lydia: I'm just having a shower

Head: Well get a move on. I'll go wake her up.

(Lydia slams the door. We see her take off her pyjamas and run the water before getting in, stopping before the water hits her face thinking, then throws her face into the flow. We cut to Head on the sofa with coffee and Heart on the other end with a bowl of ice cream and a box of tissues. She looks ill.)

Head: Ice cream? Really?

Heart: (Sulkily) It's your fault. If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't be in this mess.

Head: I did you a favour. (Sips coffee)

(Lydia enters with a bowl of cereal and sits between them.)

Heart: A favour? I may never love again! (Over dramatic)

Head: You will, you always do.

Lydia: (Unphased) You two, it's over. Now stop fighting about it. I clearly don't care.

Heart: (Sarcastically) Clearly not. Look at me!

Head: It doesn't matter what you look like, because this is for the best.

Lydia: Drop it! (Pause) I'm fine.

(They all eat or drink in sync.)

(Lydia walks into the kitchen. Head is stood in the corner whilst Heart is sat on the counter. She puts her dish on the side and turns to walk out.)

Head: Aren't you gonna clean that up?

Lydia: I don't really feel like it at the moment.

Head: You know you'll have to deal with it sooner or later.

Lydia: (Snapping angrily) But I don't want to deal with it now!

Head: I don't know why you're snapping at me. You brought this on yourself.

Lydia: I don't know what you're talking about.

Head: Yes you do. You're handling it as well as she is. (Gestures to heart. She is scooping the last bits of ice cream into her mouth.)

Lydia: Leave her alone. It's your fault she is like this.

Head: If I hadn't said anything, we'd still be in that mess.

Lydia: What mess? There was nothing messy about it. We were happy!

Head: But was it practical?

Lydia: Is that all you ever think about?

Head: Yes.

(Lydia moans and marches out. Head looks exasperated and turns to heart. She is trying to lick the tub of ice cream and turns to Head.)

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