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 Jack placed the phone back on the receiver in his office. The phone call with the King had not gone as planned and was far from pleasant. He couldn't believe the king was sending the War Dogs here to train him and his people. He thought this would happen eventually because he had been sending the WarDogs to every pack for evaluations but he never thought he would send her with them. The king believed with the growing were species population that there could be problems coming in the near future. The king didn't want humans or rogues to wipe out our pack and take our territory. Jack understood the reasons he just didn't know why he was sending her. He would bet his life that she wasnt coming willingly for she never wanted to come back.

Jack picked up the picture on his desk of his family. He stared down at his parents and little sister. In this photo his sister was 17 and close to two hundred pounds. She was identical to their mother with the same features just heavier. He regretted so much how he had treated her. Young and stupid he had teased her relentlessly. He had never realized that what he thought was teasing was really torturing her. This was the last photo he had of her because soon after the photo was taken she had left the pack. He placed the photo back on his desk and picked up the framed letter that sat next to it. This letter was a constant reminder of the kind of man he didn't want to be. the the man he had ben and made sure he never would be again. He stared at the letter behind the glass rereading the words carefully. He could almost hear her voice as he read over it in his head.


I understand you are ashamed of me and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I couldn't be the sister you so dearly wanted. I'm sorry I can't make you proud of me. I know you think I am worthless but I'm not. My grades are impeccable. I have enough credits that i could have graduated last semester. Now graduation won't be a problem. I'm leaving Jack. I needed to find somewhere that I could make something of myself. I can't do that at home. I needed somewhere where people didn't know me. That didn't know you or anyone else from the pack. I applied to the king's academy and I got in. I got the letter today after I left school. I couldn't be there after what happened today. I'm am so thankful I did, I got to get my letter, today of all days is my birthday after all. They only take one in every thousand applications Jack and I got in. That alone should show you how worthwhile I really am. I'm leaving Jack and I'm not coming back. I'm done.

Zack Callahan rejected me as a Mate and I know you thought I made it up about Zack being my mate but he felt the shocks. He knew I came of age today. You should have believed me when you found me in the library. Your my brother. You were supposed to comfort me. You were suppose to tell me how much he would regret rejecting me then hunt him down and beat the shit out of him. That's what big brothers do.

I also understand he loves his girlfriend very much but I was his mate, Jack. The other half of his soul. When his girlfriend comes of age he will see what he did by rejecting me as his mate, when he doesn't feel the mate pull he will regret it I am sure of it. He will be just like me then. One of the mateless. I'm not a lier but i guess I was a fool for thinking my mate would want me when my own brother never did. You'll regret what you said to me just like Zach will regret what he did in the coming months. This is the last you will hear from me. I hope you have a wonderful life. I will miss you for I have always loved you. I pray you find a mate and live happily ever after. I wish you no ill will.

Goodbye brother


She was right. That was the last he had heard from her. His mother had been devastated at her letter. Zach Callahan had been his best friend at the time and the day Zach lost his parents their parents had taken him in. When mother found out that he rejected Jade as a mate it was like a slap in the face to her. The boy she had loved like a son couldn't even love her own daughter who was his soul. She kicked him out the night that Jade had left and from what Jack knew she has never spoken another word to him. It had taken months for her to forgive Jack and talk to him again and he had a suspicion that the only reason she had forgiven him at all was because he was her son.

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