Sakka Yarou ze! {Endou mamoru}

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[Y/N] looked at the boy before her who had a grin plastered on his face.

"Come again?" [Y/N] asked blinking as she took off her head phones, not hearing what he said.

"Sakka Yarou ze[1]!" he said grinning holding out the ball in front of her.

The girl grinned at her soccer loving idiot, "Okay!" she said as she stood up and followed him to the soccer field.

Playing soccer…was always fun with Endou, besides because of him, she came to love the sport.

"Here I go! Endou-kun!" [Y/N] said.

Endou clapped his hand together "Come!" he said as the girl shot the soccer ball towards the goal.


[1] 'Sakka Yarou ze!' is Japanese for 'Let's play soccer' Endou always says this.

First drabble is up! I will try and mix drabbles with the one-shots in this book. But the first few chapters will be drabbles sorry guys :'D. I do hope you guys will enjoy them though! ^^


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