Chapter 37

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Daniel's POV
"Gabbie I think you should leave." Jonah said sternly.
"But I just got here."
"Go!" He said again.
"Ok. Ok."
She left the house and I started talking to the boys. "Wow. That was interesting." "I didn't know Harper was such a good actor. That was weird it felt kinda real."
"We get what you mean. I would have believed it." Jack said.
"Well I think the girls got the video. So let's go check."
We walked upstairs and knocked on Harper's door. "Come in!"
We entered the room and Harper and I made eye contact. I held my arms out and she came running into them. She put her head into my shoulder and I stroked her hair. "We're here too you know." Corbyn said and we pulled away and laughed. "I love you miss Hart." I said to her.
"I love you too mr Seavey."
"Awwww!" Zach cooed
"Zachary! Stop it! Let them have their moment." Allie said to him.
"Why is it always you two?" Harper asked them while laughing.
"What do you mean?"
Harper just laughed at her. "No seriously! I don't get it!
"All will be clear soon my child."
"Ok I'm a month and a week younger than you."
"Ok changing the subject...did you get the video?" I asked Harper.
"Well I personally couldn't have the video. But I think Star has it."
"Yes I do." Star said as she waved her phone around.
"Thanks." Jonah said as he took Star's phone and ran off.
"Jonah! Come back here now!" "Ughhh! I'm going to get it back." She said as she ran off. We laughed at their childishness and decided to leave them to it.

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