Luke Brooks Imagine

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My best friend Chloe and I went straight to the beach after school one day. It was a beautiful day at Bondi Beach, with almost no clouds and the sky was pure blue. We found a great spot and unpacked our things there. We had brought food and soda, and we listened to music on our pink towels and it was the start of a perfect day with my best friend. After a while we needed to cool down a bit. We walked through the hot sand up towards the flat rocks. The flat rocks are at the very end of Bondi Beach and there are always a lot of teenagers hanging out there. When we arrived we saw that there were a few other boys on our age there and also a group of children in the water. The boys smiled at us and said hey and we smiled and waved back. They were on our age I suppose. The waves were rolling to shore and a slight ocean breeze took hold in our hair. It is a bit slippery at the flat rocks so Chloe and I decided to hold hands when we jumped into the water, but as we took off someone grabbed my waist! Chloe went down under the water, but I was left at the rocks terrified and screaming. As I was preparing my speech about "how stupid a person possibly could be", the grip loosened and I was able to turn around. I opened my mouth and gasped. I couldn't say a word. I stared into the most gorgeous brown eyes I've ever seen. I don't think the boy in front of me really concentrated on me. He was laughing really hard and he was enjoying the respect he got from the other guys. He was still holding his hands around my waist. Oh my god, his smile. Chloe eventually came up from the water and she was laughing as well. "What happened with you?" I just smiled back at her. "I'm so sorry, haha, it was a bet!" The boy laughed. Surprisingly he gave me a comforting hug, then he reached me his hand and said: Hey, I'm Luke!" I choked his hand and answered back: "I'm Melanie." What happened next took me even more by surprise; in one single movement he picked me up in his arms and jumped into the water. I held a tight grip around his neck, closed my eyes and screamed like any girl would do.

The water was nice and we laughed a lot, but it's very easy to cut yourself at the rocks and off course that happened to me. I started to bleed from my foot. "Are you okay?" Luke asked in despair when he saw the wound. "Yeah, it just stings a bit." I said. "Let's go to the lifeguards and get you some strips." It looked like Chloe was enjoying the company of Luke's friends, so she didn't need to come with. He helped me down from the rocks, but when we came close to the sand he noticed that I was going to get sand in my wound. "I can carry you over the sand. If you want me to." He said. "Yeah, because we all saw how well it went last time you carried me." I joked. But I accepted his offer anyway. He picked me up and carried me over the hot sand. On our way towards the lifeguards we talked about everything and nothing and this is what I found out about Luke: Luke Brooks is 19 years old and he's from Melbourne. He is visiting Bondi Beach today with his two brothers and two of their friends. They are quite famous on YouTube and they are called The Janoskians. They are flying to America tomorrow night for something called Vidcon.

When we arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Luke supported me up to the lifeguards' door. I knocked. A man in blue shirt opened and helped us in. He asked us about what had happened and we told the story. "Yeah, young silly love can lead to a lot of different things. And flirting at the flat rocks is not recommended." The man in blue laughed and started to clean up my wound and before we returned he told me I should keep out of the water today, just to be sure I wouldn't get any infections. "I'm sorry.." Luke muttered. "It's okay, I'll just sit and enjoy the sun instead." I said to him and smiled. "I will sit with you." He answered. He helped me down the stairs again and we walked together back to our friends.

Chloe was still having fun in the water and as she saw me she shouted out: "There you are! Come and take a swim!" As a response I pointed down towards my foot and explained to her that I couldn't swim more today. "Ah, okay then. I'm sure Luke will keep you companied." She gave me a creepy smile and lifted her eyebrows. "Yeah, and you'll keep on having a good time in the water, I will watch you!" I sent her the same smile back and hinted to the four boys she was swimming with. I found myself a comfortable spot at the rocks with a nice view to everything that was happening. Luke was talking to his friends and one of them dragged him into the water. He splashed the salt ocean water at the friend that had pulled him down. The both laughed and Luke eventually got up from the water. Soaking wet he walked slowly towards me, the water was pouring down his toned abs and I was this close to faint. Luckily I wore my sunglasses so I hope he didn't notice were my eyes were lying. He sat down beside me and asked: Are you hot?" It's not because of the heat from the sun, that's for sure! I thought. Instead I answered: "Yeah, it's pretty hot today." He looked at me and then he suddenly flipped his hair in my direction. I screamed and laughed when the water splashed all over me. I hit him weak on his shoulder as revenge. "So who are your brothers?" I asked him. He pointed at them and said their names. "Beau is the elder one and Jai is my twin brother. And James and Skip are our friends." They came up from the water now, and Chloe was smiling from ear to ear. "I think we are done swimming for today." Chloe declared. We fetched our towels and bags and sat down at beach together with the boys. We just talked for a while and we had a great time, but the clock was nearly six and it was starting to get dark. We witnessed a beautiful sunset and eventually we had to leave the beach. Luke continued to help me walk, even though I could manage myself now. We walked slowly up towards the parking lot where Beau's car was parked. Chloe and I hugged everyone after turn goodbye and they got in the car. Luke was still standing left, leaning up against the car. Chloe was waiting for me. "Are you coming?" She asked. "Yes, I'll catch up with you, just go." "Okay, be quick." She waved at the boys and started to walk. Luke and I looked at each other, just waiting for the other one to make a move. "I had fun today." He said. "Me too. Really." I answered. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now." I told him. He nodded. Then he pushed away from the car and came slowly towards me. I thought he was going to give me a hug, but he surprised me once again. He leaned in and kissed me softly. A bunch of butterflies were realised inside of me and I kissed him back. His lips gently moved in sync with mine and he held a tight grip around my waist. The boys in the car made loud noises and Beau even honked the horn. Luke smiled and whispered in my ear: "I'll see you when I get back. Don't loose my number, please. " He kissed me once more before he entered the car and they drove away. As I watched the car disappear a message popped up on my phone. It said: I will miss you <3. It was from Luke Brooks. I smiled for myself and walked after Chloe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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