A Forgotten Time - Faith xx

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i ran across the platform , weaving in and out of people waitinf for their trains, and people arriving. Trains speeding in and out, racing along their tracks on rout to their next stop. i leant up against a wall dividing platform 2 and platform 3 . i slid down the wall until i came to a stop, sitting on the floor. my bag beside me, i looked up at the electric sign hanging above me ' East Tillich train - 3:30 ' glancing down at my watch i saw it was only 3:15 , i still had time to ext anna. reaching over to my bag, i unzipped the front pocket and tookout my phone. swiping away the lockscreen i opened up a new text message. ' hey anna, lea here , on train to tillys now TTYL luv Leaxx ' . i looked up as the train came screeching to a stop. grabbing my bag, i placed my phone back and stood up. not wanting to be last on the train and not get a seat i pushed to the front and got on. the train wasnt too full, the odd occupied seat. i sat next to an empty seat and placed my bag on the seat beside me. as people filled up the spaces it started to get really full. the doors cosed and we pulled away from the station, gaining speed every second. the tall city buildings fading down to quiet empty fields, with sweet farm animals dotted around in them. ' is this seat taken' i turned to see a boy, about my age looking down at me. ' no , you can sit here if you want ' i moved my bag and pushed it underneath my seat. i looked around to see the whole carriage full with people, not as empty as it had seemed only a few minuets ago. ' im tom, by the way ' the lad next to me turned to face me. ' um..... im lea ' i replied turning back to gaze out of the window. '  lea, you dont happen to go to Chilton high school do you ?"  tom said looking at me, his body half turned towards me and half facing streight ahead. " yea i do , how'd you know that " i starred in amazement. " i go there too, iv seen you around the site, walking to classes, its lea Green right?" yea " . i was amazed to see anyone from chilton high around here, most of my friend lived in chilton where as i lived 20 miled away in East Tillich. 


as a large sound boomed from the front of the train, the floor outside came crashing through the window next to me, throwing me across the carridge. i saw my bag fly past me and the carridge rolled onto its side and diddnt stop. it carried on rolling till a small tree caught it. i was flug back over to the shattered window and landed on a large shard of glass. the pain seered up my leg, like a forest fire spreading on a dry day. " ahhhhh " i cried in pain loudly. the carridge filling with smoke and dust, with earth falling through one of the windows. it had rolled down a steep hill and been buried in earth. my eyes stinging i lifted my head and grabbed the seat ahnging above my head. i pulled my self up and saw the full state of the carridge. everyone was gone, no one was there, wel at least i thought. a small moan came from the other side. i waded through the rubble , pushing rocks and earth away from me. i noticed my bag on the flood beside a trashed chair. i grabbed it and flung it over my shoulder. i turned and saw tom lying on the floor with blood streaking down the side of his face. " oh my god " i rushed over to him and beant down next to him. his eyes fluttered slightly and started to sit up. when he was upright he looked streight at me, his eyes asking so many questions i diddnt know what to do, so i turned aroud to look at the mess behind me ." what happened" i haer a fait voice and turn back to face him. " i think a bomb went off, i dont know it happened to quickly". he swung his legs round infront of him and brought his hand up to the blood on his face." dont touch it" i said " here let me help" i pulled the sleve of my jumper up o hie head and wiped it away. " we have to go , now" he said " the carridge is going to collpase with the weight of the earth on it , listen " he said frantically trying to stand up. i listened to the creaking of the metal bending. i looked around, trying to find a way out, and saw a small gap just through the door i came through. " come " i said moving over bags and chairs, dodging wires and electrical leads. i kneeled down on the rubble and pushed my bag through the hole, following quickly behind it. the gap was small and tight, making me feel enclosed. as light flooded around me, something felt wrong, different. the carridge had rolled down a hill, id felt it, and when it had stopped we were still on a steep hill, but as i stood on the flat plain out side, something was really strange. tom came out of the hole a few moments later and the same expression crept across his face as mine. " what is going on" i said . my eyes gazed around me , at the flat land around me, long grass surrounding us. a tall treed forest in the distance and no sige of a rain track for miles in any direction. 

chapter 3 :

i turned back to face the carridge but all that was left of the train was one carridge, and me and tom, that was all." whats that, in the distance " tom said pointing to the left of me, i turned and saw building on the horizen. " i dont know, maybe we should go take a look" i said, not knowing what to do next." yea, but maybe tomorrow, its getting really dark" i noticed how that only moments before it was fully bright, like it was midday, and how now the sun had nearly fully set." lets go back in the train" i said begining back down to the hole we'd just come through, dragging my bag behind me.  as tom came through the hole,  i opened my bag and reached for my phone, but instead pulled out a stone, i rumages in the open pocket but the stone was the only thing there.like it had replaced my phone. i handed the stone to tom , he looked at me " why are you handing me a rock " he said looking puzzled , " that WAS my phone " i tipped my bag upside down, and stones fell out in the place ofmy purse and jacket. " i dont know whats going on but its really scarring e" i sat down on a rock " im gonna try and get to sleep " i said to tom, sliding down onto the floor. he sat on the floor across from me " i dont know whats going on or what happaned today, but we need to figurre this out lea " he leant his head on his bag . i closed my eyes and blackness surrounded me. the cold wind gushing in the through the gaps in the carridg wall.

chapter 4 :

i woke to the pain of rocks and earth falling on top of me  , jumping to my feet i quickly looking around, i notice tom wasnt here, grabbing my empty bag i moved through the gap.as i came out, tom was sitting out  down gazing out at the land infront of us. walking up behind him i perched on a small stone and looked down. " you sleep ok ?" he asked standing up and streatching " yea wasnt the comfiest thing iv slept on"  i said" was it just me or did that night go a bit to fast?" i said puzzled. " dont worry, it was the same for me to , its wa almost as if i never slept" he walked out in fron of me and surveyed our surrounding. " i think we should head towards the buildings " he said " maybe we can find people who can help us. heal that cut on your leg and the one on my head" turning to face me i looked down at the wound gaping our of my leg. the bright red scarlet blood stanging out to my pail skin. i stood up, my bag looped over my shoulder " lets go " tom said walking out in front of me.

the walking was tough, the land was more uneven than it had looked, and we had to make a large detour after we came across a really large lake. we collected water and carried on. we had no idea where we were, what had happened to us, and what had happened to the world wed known so well. everything had changed to fast. the days went to quickly and we had to stop , not even half way to the buildings. now that we were closer, we could see that it was more of a city than a town. " lea are you ok? " tom said walking over to me, holding a pice of flint in his hand. i diddnt know what he meant by this " yea im fine , why? " my face coming across with a puzzled expression. " oh nothing, i was just wondering" he turned and carried on making a fire .

the sun went down quicker than normal revealing a sky full of starts, but more starts in 1 mile than id seen in my entire life, it was incredible. the fire was just enought light to fill the hole we were in with warmth and light. " tom...." i said walkign over and sitting down next to him. " what if we get to the city and ... no ones there, and were alone ? we need food, were not going to survive much longer with out it " i said holing my hands out to the fire. " lea, dont worry, we will probabally find food on the way, like an animal of some sort " his eyes lit up with the reflection of the red flames " and.... about the city ' i sid but he diddnt reply , he just stared streight forward. as the night crept in i feel asleep . when i woke tom was still asleep next to me, and the fire was still smoking. i stood up and climbed out of the hole into the warm sunlight , the horizen alive with bright colours. the city seemed closer now than it had last night.

hey xx if you guys want the next part the email me!!!11                                           

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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