Into the Clan (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2: Into the Clan

        Today was the time I was going to be introduced into the Clan as a lost kit. Over the last few sunrises, I was woken up at midnight and taken for hunting. I had one more lesson near the lake and two lessons with Spottedleaf, under the trees. She taught me how to make sure I was downwind from the prey and the hunting crouch for mice, squirrel, and birds. The first time I lost a lot of prey, but I gradually got better. 

        At moon high, my mother hurriedly rushed me out of her den, through the dirt tunnel and into the forest. There she ran over the plan and told me to roll in the plants and bushes. Then, as dawn light stretched across the sky, Spottedleaf picked me up by my scruff and carried me through the front entrance.       

        As we entered the camp we saw the dawn patrol coming out. They stared at us but kept on going out into the territory. We came in through the thorn barrier and headed towards the big rock which I figured out later was Bluestar's den. "Bluestar, it's Spottedleaf," She said through my fur. Then there was a reply. "Come in!" As we came in, I saw the orange tabby that had the thing around his neck, though he didn't have it on anymore. He must have gotten rid of it, because it made to much noise. 

        "Bluestar, I found this kit in the forest and I think that it deserves a home in this clan. It is young and probably has no clue where it came from and why it's here." Spottedleaf went on with the plan. "Where did you find her?" Bluestar asked seriously. "I found her near Four Trees. I don't think she's from any other Clan. She smells too much of trees and bushes, but not of any Clan." "Well, I guess she can be made an apprentice, and her mentor could be Willowpelt." As Bluestar was walking out of the den Mistkit meowed softly, "My name is Mistkit." For a while Bluestar stood there staring at her but then shook her head and ran out. We followed more slowly.pp

        "Welcome to the Clan little one," Spottedleaf whispered. "Now you're a real Clan cat." She gave my pelt a quick grooming and then we hurried outside. "You ready?" Bluestar asked. I nodded squeamishly. She jumped onto the rock. "That's called highrock." Spottedleaf said. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the highrock for a clan meeting." Bluestar yowled. Spottedleaf nudged me toward the front of the highrock. When all the cats had gathered she spoke, "Today we are welcoming a new cat into ThunderClan...she was found a little inside ThunderClan border. Spottedleaf found and brought her here. I have decided to make her an apprentice of Thunderclan. From now on, until she gets her warrior name, this cat will be known as Mistpaw and her mentor will be Willowpelt." Willowpelt looked surprised as she padded forward and touched noses with Mistpaw.

        "Mistpaw, Mistpaw!" Some cats yowled including Firepaw, Graypaw, Willowpelt, Bluestar, Spottedleaf, and a few others.

"Come on Mistpaw, it's time I show you the territory." Willowpelt meowed. We walked through the forest in silence. First, she showed me the Tree Cut place. "Why would Twolegs cut down useful trees?" I asked curiously. "Well, Twolegs are just stupid and they do very crazy things."       

        Some time later while walking along the rive Willowpelt told me, "This is RiverClan, they resolve or live around rivers and mostly feed on fish a animals that live near water." I scrunched up my nose at the foul smell. Willowpelt saw my expression. "Yeah. They smell really bad at first, but you get used to them. Remember the smell. It's useful." We had walked past WindClan territory and saw a patrol in the distance. When we came by the ShadowClan borider, I didn't wrinkle or scrunch up my nose, I just gasped. "What?" "Nothing, just nothing." The crow food smell felt familiar, just she didn't know. Did it have something to do with her father? She wasn't sure. She'd have to ask her mom. She then saw Four Trees. "''s..." "This is where we hold gatherings every full moon. Here you get to share tougues with other cats, listen to the leaders, and get to know other cats." We finished our journey and went back to the camp.

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