#1 You Go With Him As He Gets a Tattoo

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Harry: You were both in the car listening to Nirvana as you pulled up to the tattoo studio. You weren't a huge fan of Harry's music, but when it came to him, you'd do just about anything because you loved him. Harry and you both got out of the car and proceeded into Zayn's tattoo shop. Harry had decided to come after hours so he wouldn't have to worry about holding up Zayn and the countless clients that came to him during the day. "What's up H?" Zayn askeds as he pullled him into one of those "bro hug" things.
"Nothing much, same old." Harry replied. You watched as Zayn went to the back and came back with outline of Harry's tattoo.
"Sit wherever and I'll set up my stuff." Zayn had told Harry. You watched as Harry pulled his Tshirt over his head and tossed it over to you, where you sat staring at his chest.
"Like the view babe?" he chuckled. You only blushed and looked down. He laughed at you and then laid down on the tattoo bed.
"Doesn't it hurt on your ribs?" you asked as he smiled down at you.
"A bit, but you get used to it when you have about 60 tattoos." You nodded and watched as Zayn rolled over his stuff. You watched as Zayn cleaned off the area and put the outline over the left side of Harry's ribs. He asked Harry if the spot was okay and then began to pick up his tattoo gun. You watched as Zayn started writing out the words in Harry's tattoo and how Harry winced when the tattoo gun got to a certain point on his ribs. You grabbed his hand and he smiled at you. "Hey Zayn, do you think you'd wanna tattoo y/n?" Your eyes got wide and you shook your head no.
"I wouldn't mind, I don't get a lot of girl clients. It'd be cool."
"Haha... I'm fine," you nervously laughed.
"Come on babe, I'm getting one in one of the most painful spots, I think you can do it."
"Well that's you. I don't like needles and anything having to do with them. Do you remember the time I tripped and you had to get the rocks out of my cut by sitting on top of me?" Harry chuckled as he remembered the day, it was definitely not one he would forget.
"Well what if I did it for you?" He asked.
"Wait you tattoo, too?"
"Yeah, all of us do, Liam, Louis, Niall... Zayn trains us."
"I don't know.. It scares me."
"Well if you change your mind, tell me baby girl okay?" You nodded and continued to watch Zayn shade in the last part of Harry's tattoo. Once he finished, he wrapped it up and Harry stood up walking over to you.
"Ready to go babe?" You nodded and headed out the door and into Harry's car where the never ending conversation of you getting a tattoo continued.

Niall: The bells on top of the door rang as you and Niall entered Zayn's tattoo shop. It was around 11:30pm and although it was late, you wanted to go with Niall because you liked watching the artist create a new piece of work on his body. "Hey Niall," Zayn said while putting away a box of rubber gloves. "I already have it drawn up, so you can come back here." Niall grabbed your hand and led you to the chair with him, allowing you to sit down in the chair next to him.
"It was your front shoulder..the right one correct?" Zayn asked him.
"Yup, that's good." Zayn grabbed his outline and placed it on Niall's shoulder. He told Niall to look in the mirror and it was in a good place for him. "What's the matter babe, you haven't been talking." Niall said looking down at you.
"M'tired." You mumbled. He smiled at you and grabbed your left hand with the arm that wasn't being tattooed. He rubbed small circles on the back of your hand. "How long is it gonna take?" You said partially coherent.
"Maybe an hour or two. You gonna be able to hang in there? It doesn't look like you're gonna last long," he laughed. You shrugged your shoulders and rested your head on the arm rest. Eventually when Zayn was shading in Niall's tattoo you drifted off into a sleep, Niall not noticing because you sat upright with your head hanging. When Zayn finished with Niall, he wrapped it up for him.
"Hey princess, you ready?" When you didn't answer Zayn laughed and Niall lifted your head to see you sleeping. "You're a handful aren't ya?" Niall laughed. "Zayn, do you mind carrying her to my car, I would but me tattoo is still wet." Zayn smiled and walked over to you, lifting you up and following Niall to his car. He strapped you in the passenger seat and Niall thanked Zayn before driving off with you. You weren't very happy to be woken when you got home lets just say.

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