Chapter 1

38 5 4

Macaylas POV









" CATS..."

I peered over my library book as I heard the surrounding conversations.

To be honest, they were getting to be quite odd. I was even a little uncomfortable with some of these topics. And in a park too. Who would have known that a simple reading spot under a tree would be the perfect spot to spy on the latest gossip.

I checked my watch. It read 5:47. "Shoot" I whispered under my breath. I was going to be late for my class. I was scheduled for a class for 6:00. I was meeting with Angela Jonson. She is a fashion designer in London, that is doing a group class on fashion. Oh incase you didn't figure it out already I'm a designer, but not a famous one. I have a small shop called "Oh so Chic".

My store has clothes for women, kids, and men. It's snazzy, trust me.

So while I was telling you about my store, I walked across the street to my apartment and got my sketchbook and portfolio from the table. I also, grabbed my money to take the bus.

Yup a 20 year old women doesn't have a car. I do know how to drive though. And on my 16th birthday I didn't get a car. I didn't want one. Unlike all the other girls in my grade. Instead I got lots of fabric, a kiosk, that I got to decorate, and a new sewing machine. For mine had broke the week before.

Speaking of birthdays. Mine is in two days! I'm finally turning 21. And it's not because of the alcohol I will be able to consume. It's the freedom of finally being a real adult.

You see after you graduate, that's your year to go to college or not. I went to college for 2 years at London's Fashion University. Then by the time I got out, 3 months ago, I was 20. Now at 20 that's your year to basically be free, live wild, but your not an adult yet. You are still a young adult. And at 21 you get to take on full responsibilities of an adult.

I got on the bus and the bus driver asked for $5.00.

"That will be $5.00" He said. I slipped him the five dollar bill and snuck to the back. Hehe I'm so devious.

When the bus stopped at my destination I got off and walked into Angela's shop. I set up my stuff and she said to start making a modern shirt. I immediately pulled out my fabric and started stitching on the machine. The familiar tune rang in my ears and I went to town.

A good 20 minutes later I was done. I put the long sleeve shirt on the display. The orange color of the display complimented the royal blue on the shirt. Then Angela walked over.

"Done already?" She asked.

"Yes, Mam" I stated proudly. "What do you think?"

"Well I think this shirt is absolutely horrid." Angela said. My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"What the what?"

"The stitches are way to close together, and the necklace ,you pared it with is a very ugly shade of green. to mention the fact that it's summer and a long sleeve shirt is not appropriate for that matter." She stated. I will not give up. And she can't make me quit this class no matter what.

*****3 hrs later*****

I walked Starbucks and got some coffee. Then I went home. I can't believe that girl. Insulting my work. Ugh.

I got to my apartment and unlocked the door. I got into some comfy clothes and started to watch Netflix. I decided on the movie The Parent Trap. Now for a snack...Oreos and peanut butter it is! (A/N it's from the movie, incase you didn't know) I wrapped a fuzzy blanket around my body and relaxed. Sleep overcame my body and I fell into a deep sleep.


A/N Hey guys! So that was the first chapter of Maybe! It's really boring in the first few chapters but bear with me here. I would also, really really like feedback. To help improve writing and know what you guys think!




Be Majestic

Bye for now friends


Maybe (Louis Tomlinson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin