Ashton One-Shot

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This is for @IrwinxIrwin

"Aaaaaash" I yelled from my sofa " Yes Emily my little ompa lompa" Ashton walked into the room with his mischievous little grin showing. "Hey I'm almost as tall as you assbutt! Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night with me since my date cancelled on me" I was supposed to be going out with this guy called Joe.. what was his.... ah that's it Joe Sugg? But he had to fly out to America for some convention thingy.

"I can't tonight Em I have a date with Izzy" I gave out a small sigh. Not that I don't like Izzy it's just that I have kinda got a huge crush on Ash and I think I'm in love with him. Could this night get any worse? "But I have someone to keep you company!" "Please don't let it be the boys again they're too messy and never clean up I can't deal with the stress" He just laughed a little bit and said "No someone 10 times better" as soon as he said that I was expecting to hear Izzy walking through the door, because the bell rang, Ash went to the door and as soon as it opened I heated a small voice calling my name. I instantly knew who it was.

"Harry Irwin you little monster!" I said as he leaped into my arms almost knocking me over. Ash just stood there laughing as Kasey entered the house. "I told these two you were gonna be alone tonight so I took the liberty of asking mama Irwin if Laur and Har could stay the night..." Ashton was inturupted by Harry who screamed. "AND SHE SAID YES!!!!" why is Harry so adorable. He's gonna be just like his big brother. Charming, Handsome, Kind, Sweet.

Stop fantasising Emily!!!! I told myself.

30 minuets later

Ash left to get Izzy. Me and Kasey have put Harry to bed and are now painting each others nails. "Hey Em. Wanna know a secret?" Kasey asked me. "Okay..." I said now curious as to what it might be.

"Ash is head over heels in love with you" silence filled the room. "No he has Izzy he loves Izzy." "Yea but he loves you more" Could this be true was this actually happening.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the door slammed shut and Ashton was stood at the door "Hey Ash!" Kasey said as though the conversation we just had never happened. "Hey Kase, hey Em"

I didn't even reply I just said "I need to talk to you alone" he looked at me kind of stranger but agreed to speak to me in the kitchen. Kasey went to check on Harry so I know she isn't listening.

Me: "Ash I have a question to ask you but it might be a little crazy"

Ash: "Emily you are the definition of crazy. What is it"

Me: "Are you in love with me?"

Ash: "Who told you that"

He started to go red

Me: "It doesn't matter who told me. What matters is you have a choice to make me or Izzy"

Ash: "You"

He said it without any hesitation. Wait, What?! I'm happy but if he would have chose me why is he with Izzy.

While I was still pondering I saw that ash had his phone to his ear. "Hey Iz um I know this might sound weird after we just went out but I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm in love with Emily and I want to be with her" I could hear a muffled voice on the other end but u couldn't hear what she was saying "I'm so sorry.... okay bye" Ash put his phone back in his pocket and looked at me. "Ash I'm so..." Before I could finish ash grabbed me and kissed me.

"I've wanted to do that for such a long time" he whispered and I whispered back "me too"

Hey guys this was really long sorry but I got really into it and didn't know where to end it so it kind of carried on to @IrwinxIrwin I hope you liked it it love y'all byeeeeeee

Youtuber, 5SOS & 1D One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now