Chapter 1

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*6 years ago*

I was woken up by the sound of a window breaking, I stood up fast so I could locate the noise. My dad mind linked me to say "don't come out of your room, someone's inside the house." 

I located myself in front of my closed door and put my ear next to it so I could hear better. I heard someone coming up the stairs. My room was the first one so I quickly locked it, and tried to slow my breathing. I heard the person stop by my door try to open it and then they started walking away from my room.

I released a sigh I didn't realize I had been holding.

I mind linked my dad to say "I'm safe, the intruder passed by my room but did nothing he's going towards Nick's room." 

I continued to hear what was happening outside my room, but the person that was here was not here for my brother either, he was going towards my parents. When he got to their door, it had the lock but he quickly kicked it down. At that moment I got out of my room to see what was happening with my parents. The guy that was in their room had just seen my mom and dad. 

"What do you want?" My dad said.

The guy remained quiet. He just took my mom's arm rather roughly and started taking her away. My dad chased him all the way to the front door trying to fight him of my mom who was screaming bloody murder. She was crying, until she saw me, I was on the floor trying to hide in between the railings of the stairs. 

The guy took his time to stare at me until my mom yelled "Get Nick and run Taylor!" 

I was so surprised by the way she screamed that I only looked to my dad, that's when he said "go to Blake and tell him what is happening, me and your mom are right behind you." He smiled.

I trusted my dad so I ran up the stairs again to go for my brother, and took off by his window. Nick was only 8, he was still little so he didn't have the mind link thing figured out yet. You normally get it when you turn 12. When I reached Alpha Blakes house, I knocked on the door and waited. 

"Taylor, is everything okay?" Blake said as soon as he opened the door.

"Blake, there's a guy in my house with my mom and dad, we don't know him and he was trying to take my mom. Please help us." I replied, my voice breaking.

After I said that to Blake he started making calls and arrangements. Fifteen minutes passed and they left to go get my parents. Me and my brother stayed at Blake's place. I didn't notice when I dozed off with Nick still sleeping in my arms, but the sound of cars woke me up again.

Blake was the first one to come in, and then my dad. I stood up to hug him.

"Where's mom?" I asked with hope in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Tay, he took her and I couldn't stop him. But we're going to find her." 

*Present day*

"Baby girl, wake up." I heard the voice of my dad say. I covered myself with the covers again, but my dad continued to shake me so I woke up.

"Come on Taylor, it's your birthday, and I have a present for you." 

That woke me up about real quick. 

"Hi Dad." I said getting up to kiss his cheek.

"Happy eighteenth birthday baby." He replied while giving me a little blue box. I quickly opened it to find one of my mom's necklaces. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

"I gave your Mom that necklace when we had just met, it was like the symbol of our love, I know she'd wanted you to have it if she was here." My Dad said embracing me in a hug. 

"Thanks Dad, I love it."

We were interrupted by my 14 year old brother barging into my room and tackling me to my bed with a hug.

"Happy birthday Tay!" Nick said. 

"Thanks baby bro, love you." I answered.

After this I dismissed them both so I could go get ready for school. 

So yeah, after the incident when I was 12 and my brother 8, were my Mom was taken from us, they sent search parties all over the country but they never found her. We lost faith about 3 years later, we think she's dead, but we haven't seen a body, so nothing is sure yet. She was my Dad's mate so he was pretty torned up after this happened, but he had to get better because of my brother and me. So now my Dad is the one keeping us together, he pays and does everything Nick and I need him to do and besides he is the Alpha of Red Moon Pack. I am the next in line for the Alpha of this pack so I'm trying to learn everything I can. But I still have to go to school so I'm a little behind. Blake is my Dad's Beta, while Peter is third in command. We're all werewolves, usually you turn when you are between 12-15 years old, I first turned when I was 13. My wolf is big compared to other she-wolves in the pack, it's fur is grey and getting bigger and bigger as the years go by.

I took a bath and got ready for school. I was a senior this year so I was excited, with prom and college. Once I was ready I went to my brother's room to hurry him up because we always went to school together.

"Nick come on, we have to go." I said from his door.


I went into my Dad's office to say goodbye, but he was talking on the phone, probably with Blake, I just kissed him goodbye and walked out towards my car, Nick was already inside.

We drove to school and each of us went to our classes. I met with Brooke and Jeremy right outside our class. 

"Hey guys." 

"Hey! Happy birthday Tay!" Brooke said embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back and said thank you. Jeremy did the same.

Brooke was Peter's daughter and Jeremy was Blake's son. So they were next in line too.

The bell rang signaling us to get inside the classroom. We sat at our usual spots and continued talking. I was feeling kind of uneasy, since I got to school but I shrugged it off.

"Did you hear that there are new guys from Raven Pack coming here today? Apparently, they're staying a couple of months because of this new alliance our pack has with theirs." Jeremy said to us.

"I had no idea, my Dad hadn't told me anything about it." I replied frowning. I felt uneasy once again and I didn't know what it was. "Guys I feel weird, I'm not feeling so good, at all." I said holding my head. 

I got up from my seat and went to the bathroom, I was on the way when I bumped into someone. When we touched I felt electricity running through my veins, and butterflies in my stomach. I looked up to see who it was and it was the most handsome guy I have ever seen, just seeing him made my stomach flutter. He had blue-grayish eyes and just looking at them made me melt.

That's when my wolf whispered "mate".

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