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I got off the plane and ran into his arms. "JACK!" I hugged him tightly. "Hey bab-" He said "Babe?" I asked confused. "So... How was your plane ride." He spoke breaking up the awkwardness. "It was good if you don't count that annoying little boy." He laughed "What it's not funny!" I nudged him. "Sorry it's not." He smiled. "So what's for diner?" I asked. "It's a surprise!" He answered. "Lets hurry cause I'm hungry!" I said. "Are you never hungry?" He laughed. "What it just happens food is my favorite thing in the world." I smiled. "I thought I was your favorite in the world." He gasped pretending to be hurt. "Well you should know I take my food seriously." I laughed.


So I'm not sure if I'm gonna continue with this story. If you think I should continue the story than comment and if you think I shouldn't continue than comment that as well. Also, I do know that this is a short chapter I just didn't want to write a lot if I'm not gonna continue this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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