Chapter 11: AfterMath

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Aikon's P.O.V

I can't believe this happened while I was away, because of Karayan's actions, it left Elizabeth's planet dead so I had no choice but to destroy it. Right now, we reside on my planet, in the library. I'm sitting down, reading a scroll the grand priest gave me while Elizabeth was sitting across from me, sensing her fear and rapid breathing to calm herself down.

Aikon: So...

I say feeling her flinch in command, I roll up the scroll and place it in the coffee table before leaning back in my seat and eyeing Elizabeth

Aikon: Explain what happened...

Elizabeth: I... uh... K-karayan betrayed me, trying to kill me to kill you in the process to take over the universe

I listened closely, taking her words and processing on what happened, the room feel quiet and Elizabeth hated that. She knew I was not pleased but didn't bother to interfere and see what happens

Caijiu went to make us some tea, so now we wait in silence

Aikon: I knew it, I had a vision that she was going to do something, though I had no idea this was the result.

I asked, she hid her face from my gaze, this incident was gonna hurt my reputation dearly. Soon enough, Caijiu walked in with a tray of tea

Caijiu: Do you want some tea Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: N-no thank you. Uh.. I apologize for--


I held Elizabeth by the throat against the wall, her hands prying to try and get some oxygen into her system

Aikon: You have nothing to be sorry for, because of this, my reputation will suffer dearly.

Elizabeth: L-l-lord aikon.... I... I apologize for my m-mistake...!

Aikon: A mistake that nearly got you killed... This is what happens when you do things without my permission!

Caijiu: My lord, she doesn't need your permission if she required more help. Their job was to create life, while your in charge to decide which races and planets get to live or die

Aikon: That would be understandable if her life wasn't tied to mine

Caijiu: Yes, I know. Could you please let Elizabeth go?

I didn't answer, thinking about what just happened. I let Elizabeth go while she fell to the ground, choking for air as I went to sit back down in my seat

Caijiu: Tea?

She offered a cup as I accepted and took a sip

Aikon: For now return to your room Elizabeth, tomorrow Caijiu will take you to make your new world to begin your work again

She shakily stood up and nodded and left the room quickly, I sighed as I rubbed my forehead. I noticed Caijiu when she walkes closer and placed a hand on my shoulder

Aikon: What rank are we in compared to the others now?

I asked as she tapped her staff and looked in the orb.

Caijiu: We fell down 3 ranks, were now tied to Belmond's universe

I clenched my fist, Dammit! I was close to getting in First on the Universe Ranks!

Aikon: Tch! It'll take decades to come past this. Even if it only destroyed Elizabeth's planet, it'll take longer since I let it happen!

The room shook as my power was leaking out, seeing some tables and chairs creek under the sheer power I was emitting. There was nothing I could do to increase my rank anymore, I'll need Elizabeth to create better life that has more potential. I stood up and began walking to my chambers

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