The Hearth Of Depth

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        The pish pish of crashing waves and the squawks of seagulls cries fill the ocean breeze air. My teal curtains flap in the direction of the winds journey. I sigh and slump up against my bed board, knees skewed to my chest as my wooden pencil jots down doodles of seagulls. Some seagulls are crying, some are perched upright on top of the oceans rocks, and some captured during flight. I seemed to lose myself in the world of creativity. The concentration of the thin skidded pencil marks collaborated with the rubber pink eraser shavings. 

       A soft knock snapped me out of my world of art and back to the harsh realization of living with my Aunt Clara. Aunt Clara isn't a bad person, she is just an ocean crazed middle aged lady in need of an actual job which does not include selling incense and drip candles. I rolled my eyes before I hesitantly responded,"Come in." In came my sun kissed Aunt with long untamable blonde curly locks. She wore her purple bikini top with floral designed jean shorts and her black flip flops to top it off. "Hey my little sunflower it's time to bloom in the waves of the high tides.", Aunt Clara spoke energetically, trying to mimic the oceans waves with her own hands and hips. 

     I looked at my aunt dead straight in the eye giving her the typical look of annoyance. I puffed out my lower lip and quivered a bit in a pleading way. "Aunt Clara please.. You know how I feel about the ocean..", I dragged on in a begging manner. "I can't bring myself to swim in the ocean that cradles my parents grave.. I think I have some sort of PTSD!", I gasped dramatically throwing my hand up across my forehead falling back on to my white comforter. Aunt Clara flicked her tongue on top of the roof of her mouth making a clicking sound. With one hand on her hip she spoke in demand,"Sabrina Eliza Wells, we both know damn well you do not have PTSD. It's just not possible and not how that disorder works. I am trying to help you get over your fear of the water and am trying to do it in a fun way too. Both your parents loved surfing when they were your age! I just don't get why you don't want to follow in their footsteps!."

    My aunt Clara sighed and looked down upon me in a soft gaze,"You know I'm just trying to do what's best for you... Now get up and get dressed, we are going surfing." Aunt Clara exited my room in silence, softly closing the door behind her. I quickly got dressed into my teal two piece before leaving my room myself. I walked down the old wooden rickety staircase and stood by the front door. My aunt called my out on to the front porch where both of our surf boards waited us. Now this wasn't my first time surfing but when I'm with Aunt Clara I act like it is. 

     I shakily lifted up my coral board and held it over my head just as Aunt Clara did with her magenta floral board. I followed her lead down by the water where we dropped our boards into the sand and tied them to our right ankles. I looked up at my aunt who shot me a goofy grin back, winking. I gulped as I tried to steady myself, surfboard in hand. I watched as my psycho Aunt run into the water diving right in giggling. I looked at her with cold toes as my vision became a blur. I wobbled a bit before I could regain my balance. I look over and saw my aunt motioning me towards the water before paddling out to catch a sick wave. 

     I stumbled my way through the sand and slowly made my way into the thick, cold, salty water. I shuddered as my thoughts anticipated my doom. I paddled my way through the thick empty abyss in lead with my aunt. "Gosh Sabrina! You act like such a noob! This isn't your first time my little tide pool.", Aunt Clara shouted in between laughs. "Ha ha very funny..", I noted, continuing to paddle harder. I really hate the ocean, REALLY hate the ocean.

    I started to catch up to my aunt who was just stolen by a wave. I watched in awe and fear as the wave carried her down back to the sand. The wind flapping through her golden hair. I turned my attention back to in front of me in precaution of the dangerous waves ahead of me. Suddenly I hear a few frustrated curses from my aunt. "Whats wrong??", I shouted out to her. "The fin of my board snapped off and the base of it is cracked.", She shouted back at me. "Guess it's time to head back..", I smirked to myself satisfied. "Nah uh uh.", She ticked at me then continued," You are staying here until sun fall. I will fixing up this old bad boy back at the house!". 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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