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                Everything we've heard or read has its own beginnings, every legends, every haunted or horror stories, every myths has their own points of origin. As I have always told to my friends/families, that when there's smoke there is fire.

                Now... Let me tell you a story about a place called THE SCREAMING RIVER.

This river is said to be haunted until today. Witnesses said that on particular nights (unconfirmed when, but they say sometimes every night) at exactly 10pm they can hear a woman screaming from the said river. Other witnesses/passersby said that they saw a woman crying for help under a big tree beside the river, when they approached her, she instantly stopped crying and then turn to them with her splitted bleeding head slightly tilted on the right and with her eyes without the sclera (the white part of our eyes), well of course after you see such horror what will you do? They all ran as if they will die. What really happened to her? Why is she screaming? Is it for help? Or because she's in pain? Who is she? And why can't she rest in peace? Ye? I've been asking those same questions myself until me, yours truly, bravely ask questions to the people residing in this barrio where the so called SCREAMING RIVER resides. And now let me share you what I've got..

                Long time ago, years after the Japanese invasion, Filipinos returned to their simple and peaceful life. They start building their homes again and live through Bayanihan. Same goes with a small barrio called Hijo, south of Mindanao. Residents in the said area are friendly people they all worked with a helping hand. Everyone's cheerful and kind, but there's this girl that everyone love her name was Rina. A beautiful, talkative, kind and smart girl, almost everyone in the village is fond of her. She's a product of a Spanish father and Filipina mother, sadly, her father left as soon as her mother got pregnant and they never heard of him again. Rina is also a responsible daughter. After school she help her mother with their household chores. Because of this Rina got quite the attentions of almost boys and girls in her school. But there is this one suitor that always stalk her and never given up. His name was Karlo. They said that this guy was really in love with Rina since gradeschool. He always followed Rina, gave her love letters, sometimes fruits or flowers. Rina accepted the gifts and letters but she always dump him, yes Rina also got an eye for Karlo but she always prioritize her studies and helping her mother in their house since there are only two of them. Karlo always pick the right flowers and the right words when writing poems and love letters for Rina so eventually she grew fond of Karlo. Well Karlo isn't that bad. His height is on average yet taller than Rina, dark, handsome, smart and humorous.

 It was late high school that Rina decided to answer Karlo's letters and efforts with a yes. They made a nice and sweet couple. Everyone in the campus and even in their barrio liked their team up so much. They are always with each other. Even Rina's mother like Karlo and their relationship, she's happy too that her daughter got a good man unlike what happened to her. On weekends they spent their time helping their parents/family then meet up at the river couple of walks from their after their respective routines. They really love each other to the point that they talked and planned their future after high school. Karlo was always the deep thinker and a dreamer, they are only residing in a small barrio and they are not ready yet to settle down. He thought of going to Manila after high school to find a decent job and save money for their future. He never spoke to Rina about this matter. He planned on opening this topic after their graduation day because he knew that Rina won't accept it, she would never let him go for the sake of money.

And so the day of the graduation comes. Rina and Karlo's family were so proud that they even plan a small gathering after the ceremony. Everyone was so happy that day except Karlo. He knew that Rina and his family would get mad. But still he thinks that they will need the money for their planned future. And so they went to the river so they could have their time alone and have a private talk. Karlo prepared a blanket and a basket full with fruits then set it up under the tree beside the river. Rina liked it and so they sat and talked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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