Chapter 1: A meeting with consequences

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Normal POV

You had just turned 18 years old and were driving home from work.
Your parents said, they had someone special to introduce to you.
You had h/l h/c hair. And your e/c eyes were sparkling.
You were very curious who it could be, because your mother sounded very exited for you to come over.
Little did you know this meeting would change your life forever.

William's POV

I was jumping from roof to roof, eager to meet my little sister.
My parents came to know, that i was still alive, a few years ago.
They told me about my little sister and i was curious to get to know her, even if i didn't show it.
After half an hour i arrived at my parents house and rung the door bell.
My mother opened the door for me and hugged me tightly.
I felt my body tense up and blood flushing into my cheeks.
I never liked beeing touched.
,,Mother, honestly..."
,,I'm sorry, i'm just happy that you came, your sister should be here soon." she answered and smiled at me.
I adjusted my glasses with my death scythe and followed my mother into the kitchen, where we sat down.
,,Do you want to drink something ?
Tea ? Coffee ?" my mother asked.
,,A coffee please." i answered calmly and looked at my watch.
My little sister was late.
,,Y/n is late." i announced.
,,Yes, that's why your father and i think, it would be good, if she would be living with you." Mother begged as she placed three cups onto the kitchen table.
I sighned and adjusted my glasses.
,,But humans aren't allowed in the reaper realm." i stated calmly.
,,To be honest, we are not sure, if she's really human..." Father said unsure scratching the back of his neck.
,,What does that mean." i asked and raised a eyebrow.
,,Well-" Father got cut off by the sound of a opening door.
Y/n stumbled in.
,,I'm here !!!" Y/n yelled and panted heavily.
,,Did something happen or why are you out of breathe ?" i asked.
,,No, just don't wanted to be late." Y/n anssered.
,,Well, you are." i stated sternly.
,,Sorry then." Y/n apologized and pounded lightly.
Y/n sat down just like the rest of us.
,,Y/n, this is William T Spears, your big brother." Father stated.
Y/n looked shocked at first but the smiled.
,,This is nice, i always wanted a big brother !!!" Y/n yelled in pure exitement and hugged me.
My body tensed up again, while a looked down at her.
She was a beautiful girl.
But all the sudden her eyes went wide what made me even more unconfrontable.
,,You are a shinigami." Y/n simply stated.
My eyes widened in shock.
How did she find out ?!
We never saw each other !
,,See what we meant ?" father asked seepishly.
,,I will take her to the higher ups immidiatlly." i agreed still shocked.
Great, this will cause me a lot of paperwork, a jealious Sutcliff, higher ups to convince and a little sister to proberly train and care for.
I sighned. ,,Honestly..."
,,I do see now what you do mean." i said to my parents and looked at Y/n.
,,Y/n, do you know, how i died ?" i asked her calmly.
,,Yep, you killed yourself with a gun." Y/n said as calm as if it was completely normal.
That creeped me out and at the same time it was fascinating me.
,,I see, well, our parents and i tought, it would be good, if you live with me for a while, would that be okay ?" i asked Y/n trying not to freak out.
Y/n just gave me a closed eyes smile and hugged me even tighter in a death grip.
,,Where did you just get that strength from ?" i managed to cought out.
She let go of me immidially.
,,Sorry, i was just overexited." Y/n apologized.
,,Well then, i have to head back to work now. I will talk to the higher ups and tell you if and when i will pick Y/n up." i explained in my monotnous voice.


William: Honestly. *Adjusting glasses*

Autor-Chan: Shut up, Willy -.-

William: Mataku. Don't call me Willy, you idiot ! >.<*

Autor-Chan: *Kicks William* Don't call me an idiot !

William: *Slaps Autor-Chan with his scythe* But you are an idiot !

William & Autor-Chan: *Epic fight*

William, it's me !Where stories live. Discover now