Two: Bleach & Liqour

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When I arrived home tears still in my eyes, I slammed open the door then slammed it shut.
I wanted drink so I decided to go make a mixed drink, pbr and rum my favorite! Yeah I know it sounds gross but you drink twice the alcohol at once!
My phone vibrated once in my pocket, expecting it to be my roommate I unlocked my phone and read the message

$crim: have ya calmed down yet?
Me: fuck you boy I'm pissed
$crim: hmm well I'm on ya porch.
Me: did you follow me home?
$crim: maybe.
Me: fucking creep
Im mumbled out loud as I walked to the front door to let in my uninvited guest.
"what thE Fuck do You waNT" I looked at him and rolled my eyes
"I waNNa haNG out wIth mY NEw fRIeNd"
I then forgot why I went home angry, why was I in a yellow rage?
I invited him in and offered him some "vodka" hehe I pull this prank alot
He took the glass from my hand I was staring at him with anticipation and I guess he noticed.
"is u good?" He looked at me annoyed because I was staring at him
"yes wait till you taste that vodka!"
He took a large amount in his mouth then spit it out looking at me with rage
"Is this bleach? You fucking psychopath"
"hehehehehe, TRICKED YA BITCH"
As soon as those words left my mouth he looked at me and started laughing
"Hahaha good one Vey, very original"
"yeah I know.. that's why I pranked you in the first place sheesh" I rolled my eyes because I wanted him mad.

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