A celebration of love

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Nomi had been waiting until mid-autumn, the festival she believed to be of love, to confess to her crush Randy. She got the romantic idea from a mid- autumn legend about a village that sent their messages to dethrone a cruel emperor by hiding their messages inside mooncakes.

She barely had any sleep that night as she thought about how her crush would react to her romantic jesture. Would he be adorably flustered? Or will he bitterly reject Nomi? The endless possibilities made it hard for her to get any proper sleep.

However, she managed to get up on time and went to school to initiate her plan.

Nomi found Randy, her crush at his locker and got his attention. "I want to show you something after school, wait for me at the school gate after school okay?" Nomi eagerly requested although Randy knew it was more of a demand. Randy assured Nomi that he would follow her instructions and left for lesson after waving goodbye to his friend Nomi.

Ecstasy screamed from every fibre in her body as she tried to refrain from jumping up and down in elation. She smiled to herself throughout the whole day until she remembered that she had to give Randy the mooncake.

She realised that she had left the pastry at home. She had been so caught up with her plan that she forgot the most important part of her plan.

Panic ensued and she could feel her cold hands trembling. What can she do now? She had no backup plan and Randy is probably impatiently waiting for her at the gate now. She felt hopless, there was nothing else she could do."Unless..." She thought as a dreadful idea squeezed itself out of her head.

She took in a deep breath and forced herself to look for Randy at the gate. She found him leaning against the wall looking around for Nomi when he heard her call his name. He looked towards her direction and shot her a alluring smile that made Nomi's heart skip a beat.

She managed to walk to him but when she tried to open her mouth to speak, she could barely make out any words. All that came out of her mouth was weird stuttered mumbling. This got Randy worried, he offered to walk Nomi home and told Nomi to just tell him another day.

That offer was an escape door but Nomi wanted to quickly get it over with. She shut her eyes and confessed her feelings, her eyes remained shut as she was scared that he would reject her. But to her surprise he confessed that he had also fancied her and was planning to confess later. Nomi hugged Randy elation as she cried happy tears.

"Mid-Autumn really is the festival of love" She thought and from that day on, the couple saw Mid autumn as something really special to them, to them it was a celebration of their love.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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