My GIANT Problem

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                 As I walked down the stairs something enormous was on my mind. I had been hiding for months now, the true nature of my brain. The crazily twisted thing called 'my phycology' was 'incorrect' and 'broken'. I didn't see it that way. Sure, to anyone else and even to myself I would have sounded broken. Saying that all life and existence was evil. Once you thought about it, it was true. Humans are programed through their DNA to have a very important survival trait; greed. It was to help them find the things needed to live and to help them reproduce. They couldn't change that. Or any of the other sinful traits programmed into their genetic makeup. They were permanently selfish, hateful and hurting. Even if they were wiped out... Evolution would come in and make them differently. They would be better, more evil. Not many of them have the gift of intelligence or rather, enough to make them see the truth. But I know what you're thinking. 'Hey, kid aren't you human?' and the answer to that is, yes, yes I am(I'm at least humane). And I hate myself for it. I hate being angry, sad, loving, or happy, I hate all of it. Feeling greedy, wanting more and tormenting others. I hate it! But I said why don't I just kill myself then? Two reasons; one, why not enjoy my life instead of just ending it? And two, I can't. I've been cursed in two ways and the one that is important is: I. Can't. Die. I get stabbed in the chest, perfectly fine. Fall off of mount Everest and fall all the way to the base, fine. Hanged, fine. Shot, fine. Suffocated, fine. Every single way you could think of killing a person, FINE! And assumedly I'm going to live forever. I can't die of any disease or die of old age. And even if my body is destroyed, I can reincarnate into whatever form I want. I bet now you're thinking 'But kid, you've got it good!' I can personally tell you I don't. I have lived a thousand lifetimes, starting and ending wars, repeating history, and doing unspeakable things. And it broke me. I finally snapped. And now, I am personally going to kill all killable life.  

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