The Birthday Gift

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It was my birthday. I couldn't believe I was turning another year older. Time flew by so fast now. I sat at the kitchen table, my mom and dad brought me a cake with candles.

"Make a wish, dear," my mom said with a smile. I knew what I wanted, and that was Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion, or Guy Berryman. Even better, I wanted all four. I giggled and blew out the candles. My dad had a small, cardboard box on his lap that he slid across the table to me.

"Well," he said, "you might want to open this before you eat." I ripped open the box. Inside, all I could see was tissue paper. I moved it around a bit, and inside was an original copy of "The Blue Room- EP". I squealed. Only 5,000 had been made, which means he had to go through a lot to get it. I hugged my parents tightly, but they said that there was something at the bottom. I dug into the tissue paper to see a rectangular strip of paper. I took it in my hands and read it. It said "Coldplay Mylo Xyloto Concert Tour".

I swear that my heart stopped. I stared at it, not believing that I actually had it. Tears streamed down my face, and I automatically thought of "Fix You". I tried to stop, but I was too happy. I couldn't believe that I would get to see my favorite band LIVE on their Mylo Xyloto tour. I thanked my parents a million times over and quickly called all my friends to tell them. I still couldn't believe it.

The Mylo Xyloto tour was supposed to be one of their best. I would get a concert tee, and the most wanted thing by any Coldplayer: a xyloband. It was a wrist band that glowed during the show. I could hardly contain myself. I dreamt of it every day and night, unable to wait until the day of the concert.

No one really understood the emotional connect I had formed to Coldplay. Most people listened to their songs and thought "Oh, it's that British rock band that's pretty popular." For me, it was something deeper. It was the rush of memories from listening to them at my lowest or writing their lyrics in permanent marker on my hands. They meant the world to me. To be able to see them live and in person, to breathe their same air. That was the best gift in the world.


Photo on the side: My actual ticket from an MX concert. c:

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