Chapter 6 : Second Mission

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Soldier 76 POV

Soldier : He did good on that mission that we sent him on in Japan, I'm sure he will be able to take care of himself.

Ana : I understand that Jack, and believe me I have as much faith in him as much as I do. But I dont think that this is something that we can depend on him alone to do this. Winston? *looks at Winston*.

Winston : I cant make a decision. I agree with both of you, yes he might be able to take care of the mission and himself but he may be overwhelmed and possibly killed.

The 3 of them were debating whether or not to send you on a mission. They all had their opinions on the whole situation. They had been contemplating the decision for a few weeks. With no end to the argument they called in someone who could possibly bring them to a decision.

Soldier : Reinhardt can you come into my office.

5 minutes later.

Reinhardt arrived at the office in his armor after returning from a mission. He placed his hammer against the wall and took off his helmet to look at his comrades.

Reinhardt : How can I be of assistance my friends?

Winston gave him the rundown of the situation and explained that they needed him to bring the situation to a solution.

Reinhardt : I see.*takes a deep breath* Both of you make good points, but i think that he should be a part of this.

Ana : But he's so young he wont be abl- *stops speaking when she sees Reins hand raise up to stop her.

Reinhardt : That should not be a reason. He has proven that he can take on something of a huge scale.

Soldier : You see Ana even Rein agrees with me.

Reinhardt : No i dont agree with you. He may be strong but he can still fall in the line of battle.

Winston : So what are you saying?

Reinhardt : I'm saying that you should ask him rather than just, make the decision amongst yourselves.


10 minutes earlier.

Y/N was in the gym exercising. Hanzo then approached him and challenged him to a spar. He almost didn't say yes because he had been feeling off for the day. But he agreed.

They went into the arena and prepared for their fight. They stretched and cracked a few bones.

Y/N : Ready to do this Hanzo.

Hanzo : As ready as I'll ever be.

All of Overwatch came to watch the fight. Both of them were excellent when it came to close quarters combat.

3rd Person POV

Hanzo began he match my trying to punch Y/N In the head but Y/N dodged out of the way. He saw Hanzo's arm still extended so he grabbed it, turned around and placed his arm over his shoulder and proceeded to swing him over toward the ground. Hanzo who was caught off guard recollected his thoughts and landed on his feet as soon as Y/N brought him to the ground. Hanzo then swept Y/N's leg causing him to fall onto the floor.

Y/N : Damn

Hanzo climbed on top of Y/N and released a flurry of punched towards his face. Y/N raised his arms to defend against the punches. Then Hanzo stuck his arms out to his left and right. Y/N smirked at the opportunity and lifted his legs and brought them closer to himself, and wrapped them around Hanzo's neck and slammed it to the soft padding.

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