Never Not

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This is my very first story that I write for wattpadd. I'm sorry for the mistakes. 

I'm sorry if the story perhaps weird, confusing, or just too weird to consumed.

Thank you for reading. 


It was a rainy night. The weather was cold yet it could be heard from a far; people's laughter. The skies was gloomy yet people were smiling. Kids played with the puddles. The park was always this crowded and he loved it. He loved seeing people smiles. He loved feeling not lonely. He sat there under the big tree; drenched from the rain; but he did not care. He loved this moment. This precious moment.

"Hey! Kieran! Sup?" someone nudged his shoulder and he looked around to see his friend; his best friend; Seth.

"I'm having a natural shower here. What takes you so long?" Kieran asked as he gave Seth a bro hug.

"Sorry, man. Anyway, you could just wait for me somewhere dry, you know. You and your rain fetish."

"Don't say it like that, dude. It sounds wrong."

"Says someone who love to drenched himself under the rain"

Kieran punched Seth's right arm playfully. Seth acted out as if he's hurt and then both of them laughed. After that, they went off to Brianna's home; Seth's girlfriend. When they arrived, Seth gave a kiss to Brianna. 

"Ugh" Kieran acted as if he's going to puke. 

"Rudeee much, dude" said Seth and Brianna just laughed it off. Brianna then left for a while and then came back with a towel for Kieran. Kieran thanked her and started to dry himself off. Seth also left and came back with dry clothes for Kieran. Kieran quickly went to the bathroom and changed his clothes. When he's back to the living room, he was charged by a hug. 

"Hey, baby" said Laura; Kieran's girlfriend.

"Hey" Kieran gave a peck on her forehead. From a far, Seth did what Kieran did before. He acted as if he's going to puke watching his best friend. 

"Hey, hey, hey, stop hugging now or I will rip both of you apart." said Seth

Laura stopped hugging Kieran and stood up in front of Seth, "Jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous?" Seth said shocked with the question.

"You look like you're jealous. Kieran is mine, you know"

"Jesus, calm down girl! Who wants to take your man" 

There it was, whenever Laura and Seth were in the same room, they would always argue. The argument was always about Kieran though. So, Kieran was already used to it and just watched them as an entertainment. The dinner that night went alright with the non stop bickering of Laura vs Seth. Throughout the night, Kieran could feel that Seth often stared at him. Kieran just shrugged it off and sometimes playfully gave a wink to Seth which made Seth surprised and looked away.

The next day, Kieran as usual was at the park. He sat on the bench under the big tree. He pulled out his phone and texted Seth to come to the park. Few minutes later, Seth came and sat down next to Kieran. 

"Here. this is for you" said Kieran as he handed out a book to Seth.

"What is this? Your diary book?" 

"Of course not. Hell, why would I write a diary" 

"Who knows" Seth chuckled and then he sighed. "Do you really have to go?" Seth looked at Kieran. 

"I have to, Seth." Kieran answered without looking at Seth. 

"You can just find a job here and then live with me tho. I wont mind at all. Why do you have to go away?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I already decided this since a long time ago, you know. I have to go." Kieran looked at Seth. " You know you will always be my number one best friend. I will make sure to come and visit you whenever I can"

Seth stayed quiet for a while. 

"What about Laura? Wont she begs you to take her with you?"

"I already told her no."

"How about I go with you?" 

"What? no. Bri needs you. You can't just go with me like that"

Seth sighed again. He looked so frustrated. He did not want Kieran to go. It's not gonna be okay if Kieran left. He used to be with Kieran all the time. "I can just explain everything to Bri. She will understand"

"No, Seth. I wont let you go with me." Kieran said it with stern voice and Seth huffed. 

"Fine. But you have to spend this last few weeks with me." 

"Aye aye, cap'n!" 

Few weeks passed by, Kieran spend his time with Seth just as he promised Seth. They both went to the movies together. Played video games until morning. Whenever their girlfriends were about to disturb them, they would run away and turned off their phone. They were having so much fun together. Seth wished that their moment would not end soon. 

Time passed so quickly and it was the day when Kieran had to go. Seth, for the first time, could not held back his tears. He sobbed when Kieran hugged him. Kieran tried to calm Seth down so that Kieran wont feel guilty to leave Seth behind. Kieran also promised Seth, that he would showed up on Seth's wedding. Bri and Laura were also cried but it wont stopped them from taking lots of pictures of bromance in front of their eyes.

2 years later

It was finally, Seth and Brianna's wedding. In this happy day, Seth was a little bit angry because Kieran couldn't come to his wedding. Kieran told him the day before that he was super busy and he couldn't come. Kieran told Seth that he got something for Seth. He asked Laura to give it to Seth when the wedding was over. 

Seth and Brianna's wedding was going well. Everyone was happy. Laughter and joy everywhere. When the guests already went home, Seth and Brianna went to their room. While Brianna was in the bathroom, Seth remembered the gift from Kieran that was given to him by Laura earlier. Seth tried to call Kieran but there's no answer.

Seth grabbed the little box and a letter. He opened the letter and read it. He clenched his fingers tightly. He put the letter away and opened the box. There was a ring inside of the little box. Inside it there's also a small paper. He opened it and he felt his eyes were wet. He was crying. He felt guilty for what happened. He remembered everything he went through and he cried even more. He quickly tried to call Kieran. He dialed Kieran's number but there's no answer. He kept on trying but there's no answer. He was mad at himself. He threw away the phone and punched the wall. 

Now he knew why Laura was always looked so hurt whenever she saw him. Now he knew why Kieran left. 

It was all because of him.

Brianna was confused when she came out. She went to Seth and Seth hugged her tight. He continued to cry. Brianna tried to calm him down but he wont stop. She was confused until she saw the ring and she knew right at that moment, what has happened. She just kept on hugging Seth until he was calming down. 

She knew everything. She saw that ring before. A ring that she thought was meant for Laura, but no. That ring was never meant for Laura because Kieran told her everything and even said sorry to her. 

That ring was meant for Seth since a long time ago. 


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