Lizzy's college accident (intro and prologue)

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Lizzy's college accident (intro and prologue)

This is my first omorashi story (so don't expect too much) though I have ideas for lots more. I'm planning to do lots of parts and make it into a long story. I'm guessing it will take me within 1-2 weeks to release each chapter.r It will include wettings and messing's though not every part/episode will have an accident in it. Please feel free to point out tips and give feedback by either DM me or by asking. This story is about an 18-year-old girl who is starting college. I started writing this story and then realised its way to long so I have tried to split it up this means, however, that the first chapter doesn't have anything really exciting in it so I have decided it would be more of a prologue you don't have to read it but I would advise you to anyway..(sorry for long intro J)

Prologue: "getting to know the place"

Lizzy woke up to her alarm blaring in her ear.

"Jesus Christ...errr I hate waking up so early", Pulling herself out of bed she started to get changed, "why can't we just start college at 11:00" Lizzy put on a white top under her red sweater. She was wearing white panties and tight jeans. She let her wavy blond hair flow down to just below her shoulder blades. She had a beautiful figure with curves in all the right places. She was popular or used to be in high school, today was her first day at college and she was yet to meet anyone.

"Hurry up or you'll be late" she heard my mum shout "your bus leaves in 5 minutes you don't want to be late on your first day do you!" Lizzy's mum was a strict businesswoman and didn't stand for any nonsense from her daughter.

For fuck-sake, I don't bloody need her shouting at me every minute she thought as she made way downstairs. "alright I'm coming" Lizzy was tying up my converses when her mum shoved a piece of toast at her

"Eat this or you'll stave"

"Thanks, I'll see you later tonight then, bye" I'd rather starve than put up with you all my life she thought as walked to the bus stop and waited five minutes for it to finally arrive. Lizzy smiled at the bus driver as she gave him my money, he didn't seem that impressed. She decided to take a window seat in the middle which looked nice enough.

The bus took about 20 minutes to get to campus and halfway through a guy sat next to her he was quite quiet and Lizzy smiled at him but you could tell he wanted to be left alone. So much for making a friend then she thought

Lizzy got off the bus and started making my way to classroom 5d which was where she was supposed to register but she has absolutely no clue where it is. Jesus why does this always happen to me she thought as panic started to rise up inside her. Anxiously she started looking for a sign but all she could see is corridors with a blue floor and white walls. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck where the hell is it.

"Can I help you?" Lizzy spun around to find a tall blond girl looking down at her. She had a tight face and you could tell she was power driven,

"Hi, yeah I'm new and I'm looking for classroom 5d," Lizzy said stumbling on her words. Come on you're not 5 talk normally she begged to herself as she felt herself blush up.

"No problem I'm Marisa and I'm the new head girl so don't be afraid to ask me anything. If you're ever feeling lost just go to reception" Alright I don't need a fucking monologue I get that you're important just tell me where the classroom is I'm late. "Classroom 5d is just up that corridor take a left and it's the second door on you're right.

"Thanks" Lizzy replied as she sped off in the other direction. I hope I'm not late for the first lesson it will be well embarrassing.

She quickly pushed the door open and stumbled into the room. She was in a biology lab with two rows of benches stretching horizontally across the classroom. At the front of the classroom, there was a desk and a tall, mean-faced teacher behind it. He was smiling at her in the way a teacher smiled when they had caught you doing something bad and were about to drop the punishment.

" Ah Elizabeth how kind of you to finally join us please do sit down" he had a cruel voice with a touch of amusement in it.

Lizzy's heart sunk as she realized that she was late and was about to be humiliated in front of the class by her teacher on her first day. Hesitantly she took the closet stool to her and sat on it blushing the entire time.

"Now can you tell us all why you were late," the teacher asked menacingly

"I'm really sorry I just got a bit lost and by the time I got here... er well, I was late. I'm so sorry" she stuttered realizing everyone was looking at her.

"Surely realizing it was your first day here and that being lost was going to be a possibility you might have decided to take the early bus," the teacher asked questionably but in a mean way.

Oh no, I knew something like this was going to happen

Lizzy quite flustered now replied "well I was going to but I woke up a bit late I'm really sorry"

"Oh I'm sure you are but sadly that doesn't help the situation. Now class seeing as this is our first session together why don't we make this a bit interactive shall we, he said showing a wicked smile in Lizzy's direction. "Who can tell me why for whatever reason our Elizabeth over there," he said pointing to Lizzy "woke up late"

Embarrassment filled Lizzy as she realized he wasn't going to let her off easily.

The class was silent for a minute while everyone was looking nervously around looking for whoever would put there hand up first.

Hesitantly a boy put his hand up "because she slept in"

"Yes, obviously but why would she sleep in if she had an alarm clock next to her to remind her to wake up. Unless she didn't do the sensible thing and set an alarm clock.

Relief flooded through her as she realized she had at least done something right. "I did actually sir. I put on an alarm."

The teacher looked at her with annoyance as though she had just rebelled against him.

Oh no I shouldn't have said that he defiantly hates her now

"SO then why on earth are you late" He shouted zoning in her "unless of course our Elizabeth or Lizzy should I say can't tell the time!"

"I can tell the..the time I'm sorry it won't ha happen again" she stammered as she teared up

Oh my god I can't cry I'm 18 years old, man up. She realized everyone was looking at her some smiling others looking a bit scared themselves. She felt utterly humiliated. She glanced up to see a group of girls laughing at her whispering to each other calling her a baby

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