God My Father, Why has Thy been summoned here?My Son thine time has come. For Thy shalt send you to the realm of the living, Whence life has been tarnished...Thy wilt serve out thy purpose,
Thy purpose be Love.Love?
Yes my son, Love, ye realm of ye living is ruled blindly, Thy wilt show ye power of Love, and change ye hearts of many.
By Thy self father?
No my son, Thou wilt be split into six, "Six Entities".. Ye Moon, Thou shalt Carry vision, Thou wilt carry the sight of many past lives. Ye Sun, Thou shalt be thy light for Ye moon. Ye Stars, Thou shalt play many roles, thou role be thou choice. Ye Rain, Thou Be Thy Moon's Protector. Ye Wind, Thou Be Thy Moon's wisdom in lost times. Ye Cloud, Thou Be Ye cover for Thy Sun in lost times. Thou shalt meet when Ye time comes. Thy send my son to conquer all obstacles Ye Devil presents.
Be Thy savior......Stop Ye Cycle of hatred My son...
The Moon...
"DAMMIT! IT'S THE THIRD QUARTER AND WE STILL DON'T HAVE A POINT!" The coach's Yelling echoed Throughout the locker room.
"Bro, Bro, Levi, hello-ooo are you there?" said Ginny Waving his hand trying to gain my attention. I️ turned my head, raising my left eyebrow asking " What Nigga!?". His eyebrows raised in surprise as he Said " the Coach is bitch'n again. What's going on with you today, you've gotten sacked like three times. Is everything cool? I nodded my head yeah.. Gin raised his eyebrow saying "I hear you, this ain't you to be sitting here quite and zoned out.
You ain't gonna have me out here looking shitty. Do I️ need to be starting quarterback today?"...I️ laughed pushing him saying "Na Bro, I️ don't know maybe today just isn't my day".
He shook his head saying "You're so emotional, Listen Bro I'm not trying to take this L, so please wake the fuck up and play, For me, For you, I️ know the season just started but damn". I️ rolled my eyes saying " Gin it's not that deep we're junior varsity, don't nobody care about our games". He sighed rolling his eyes saying " see that's where you're wrong Vi, this is our first game and there's hella people out there watching, and I'd be damned if I️ lost because you're not focused. My momma out there, and besides these niggas ain't even tough, They soft...
I️ hope it's not that one player whose talking Crazy. What you want me to smack em? You know I will." I shook my head..
He said "Come on bro we've faced better players than them".
I️ grinned shaking my head saying " Okay, damn relax, it's not even the player, they're shitty, my heads not in it that's all"...
Ginny smiled putting his arm around my shoulders saying " Look I'm just trying to get you hype that's all. Stop whining and let's go out there and trash these guys".I️ shook my head smiling saying "You're a nut"...
He laughed saying "Yeah what-ever".The team and I️ stood up after being lectured by our coach. We marched out of the locker room out onto the field. The sun was setting, the field lights turned on and the roar from the people filled me with adrenaline. I️ looked around gazing at all of the people in the stands cheering. We Ran out on to the center of the field, huddling together. I️ wrapped my arms around Ginny and the other players saying "Listen, we've been doing terrible, it's cool though because we not about to go out like some chumps"
They all nodded agreeing with what I said.. you guys ready Yelled the referee. I poked my head out Shouting "No not yet!"
I quickly huddle saying " look the plan is Gin's gonna score for us, I'm going to throw from their weak side. Ginny I️ want you to take off flying faster than you've ever ran"..
Gin asked "You sure that's a smart idea? They corner he's a big mother-fucker".. I laughed shaking my head saying "I️ know for a fact that their big man can't stick you,
go deep. I'll pass you the ball. I️ want the rest of you to defend me, I️'m tired of getting sacked". The team laughed nodding their heads. The crowd grew insanely wild cheering. Ginny nodded his head okay and the team yelled "Knights!". I️ smiled saying " Break" as we all got into formation. I️ looked to the left and then to my right.
The Moon
ActionLife? What is Life exactly? Money? Women? Cars, clothes? What is good and what is bad? Is there even such a thing? What's right and wrong?! What's the purpose of life, what is my purpose? Do I even have one... Or was I born on this earth just to en...