Well, it's me. This is an update...of sorts? It's more of information on what I decided to do and what I'll be doing.
This story isn't popular or anything so I'm not too worried about my decision.
Sticky Note Friend is discontinued.
Now hold your horses! I have a lot to say about this.
I started this story with no real ending or plot, as usual it was a go along with it type of thing I usually do. It wasn't until half way through I had a vague idea of the ending, but I'd come too far to give the right clues and events. I did, however, come to love and cherish every character in this.
The problem is, I don't feel satisfied. I didn't give these characters the justice they deserved. The writing is terrible and I've gotten far better.
So...I'm rewriting this.
"Then why is Sticky Note Friend discontinued and not being just rewritten???"
Because I want to change title and a bit of the plot. The title came from some random thought I had, and this story turned into nothing like I had imagined. The title didn't match the focus, and it's actually bothered me for a while.
I have a lot of memories connected this specific story, the title, the comments, heck the specials, and even some fanart!
If you can understand...this story as a whole means a lot and I don't want to delete it or rewrite on this book. So I'm using the elements that I need to redo it on another book, characters and premise. Just leaving the work already done here so u can look back and laugh at the jokes and original work.
Sorry if I explained it bad, I'm kinda bad at explaining how I feel, especially when it's a nostalgic feeling.
Moving onto the rewrite/new book thing! I don't have a set date or time even on when it'll happen. It will though, I'm it giving up on these characters. I will tell everyone when it'll be out though and give occasional updates~!
The whole crew will be moving: Nina, Julian, June, Brandon, Willow, Tilly, and even a few new faces ;0 also more info on parents, childhoods, and things like that.
It's just...these characters are really precious and have such captivating stories to tell and I didn't do them justice with Sticky Note Friend. I discovered who exactly they were too late and couldn't do anything more with the terrible writing and the fact we were so far along.I am determined, this will be my life's work. I will pour all into this, my best writing, my time, everything. These characters, this story, they all will be continued.
Just not as Sticky Note Friend.I'll reveal the title when I decided what for a best, I made the mistake of miss-titling once. Won't happen again.
Also, most things in this book will not correlate with the new one, so for you theorists, don't attack me :(
I have a better idea of what goes on now, so focus on the content from the new one! Though...there might be a few references, nothing that'll affect the newer plot.And another thing!
Lol sorry this has been so long but this is important.Mr. Stalker will be prevalent in the new one and so will sticky note chats-but in a different for and not using sticky notes
That's all! If you read this far you a true one, thank you for everything. I'll be around, and please be patient :)
Sticky Note Friend
Детектив / ТриллерThis story is being rewritten in the form of a new book. I'm keeping this for all the hilarious comments, but when I publish the new book I'll let y'all know! Read latest chapter to know more of what's going on 😥 ~YoursTruly